A large wooden plank can be found in the watchtower. On it is written in draconic:
Si, Shamaelistor, tir tenpiswo lodge nomeno scaduchir. Vi former zenko koppentotz, Latak wer squirrel, ehtaha ve sva ssifisv persvek wer waereic vur insulted ve ga'haithvi halkvri si threatened jacion mojka. Si geou ti tolerate nomeno cirau di treatment de tikilvi persvek wer papref, kiarf nuri nomenes svaust tepoha usv tepohada connections mrith wer zenko. Sjek tikilvi ui bafoidrih di wer proper punishment ihk insulting vur threatening vi norsaph upadoc ios cease, si ornla kashor vi bensvelk ukris.
below is a few words in common:
If that damned squirrel threatens me again, I will not be able to control myself. For the sake of keeping me from commiting murder, I'd ask that someone help me find a place where Latak will not be able to go.
I, Shamaelistor, do here lodge this complaint. A former zenko member, Latak the squirrel, found me at rest in the caves and insulted me constantly until I threatened him away. I will not tolerate this kind of treatment from anyone in the future, much less those who have or had connections with the Zenko. If anyone is aware of the proper punishment for insulting and threatening a pregnant female without cease, I would appreciate a good talk.