Author Topic: Guard Report  (Read 3766 times)


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Guard Report
« on: September 14, 2020, 01:40:32 pm »
Lt. Kain Harem.
There was a disturbance at the academy that i investigated after being called. I took a group of guards to the academy and I found my niece, Farasha on the ground with two blackboards on top of her. She was unconscious but alive so I quickly rushed upstairs only to find a smaller fennec going after Padma, a taller fennec who admitted to harming Farasha, and a fox who was aiding the others. The smaller fennec broke the windows of the academy with a book though he was thrown out of the window by a spell. A qualasian fennec was there to fight off the attackers but the situation had ended before he could do much. Padma escaped through the window of the academy and ran off, using a spell to knock another guard out of the way. I followed Padma to an aisleway where he was hiding and tried to talk him down but he was not cooperative. In the end, I had nothing to arrest Padma for so I let him go to the temple.