Author Topic: Springfire Festival 2017  (Read 3540 times)


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Springfire Festival 2017
« on: May 01, 2017, 02:17:11 am »
Come one, come all, the Springfire Festival is upon us once more. Temperatures are on the rise, green leaves and sprouts have largely reclaimed the land and the flames of passion are soaring hot in many, as is custom in spring. These days we acknowledge and celebrate our love for spring, and the love spring brings and that seems to be always in the air these days...

Join us downtown to feast, drink, dance and play with your neighbors and friends. Like in the years past the ladies Harem and Versthaler host the Life-Fire in front of Lismore's Institute of Arcane Arts once more. A flutter of butterflies declared the park their temporary home, thanks to some persuasion by Lord Valiant. And right in the middle of town square sits the Springfire-Pole: Legend has it that if you kiss and dance under the pole it will bring good fortune, especially to those who are about to tie the knot of marriage this year.

Enjoy yourself in whatever fashion you like best, but if at some point you end up feeling hungry or thirsty, remember that Palace plaza is the spot where young and old, nobleman and simple farmer can mingle and share a mug of ale or clink their glasses of wine. Our beloved emperor and the nobles of Lismore have once more provided for a lavish banquet  that will offer you anything from authentic Lismorean Cuisine, to the delicacies of our neighboring kingdoms and even treats from the far corners of the world. Worried about eating too much because it simply is soo good? Just step on the dance platform next to the tables and move your hips until you earned yourself a second helping.

We remind all attendees of the Springfire Festival that the Rabbit Hole has special offers for the duration of these festive days. Aryn Gentlepaw looks forward to welcome you there - if you happen to come with a distinctive Springfire costume your first drink of the day is on the house.

So what are you waiting for? We are all looking forward to run into you on the Springfire Festival!

(OOC:  We are celebrating spring, life and fire. Everyone can take part, the event is going to last till about the 14th of May. Feel free to use the various props for your RP while in the city. There are dance poses given by the pumpkin (single poses) and the rotating heart (couple poses) near the large fire at the academy and by the palace tower. Also you can dance around the Springfire Pole (usually it is best to mount the poseballs while they are not moving, so start and stop them by clicking the main pole as necessary). If you want to add to the festivities with small scenes like playing music for the crowd, showing off magic tricks or spectacular skills - you are quite welcome to do so. If you need help with an idea, feel free to contact members of staff. Enjoy!)
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