History of Las'van'non Tol'Quiss
Some fey just pop into the world, created by the whim of nature or just chance. They are normally formed to fulfil a certain role. Las'van'non was born to a young family with regards to the average age of Killoren. He was the eldest of two siblings, himself and his sister who was a few years younger. In youth he was like any other Killoren but erred towards social interaction and not violence that dictates so much of his kins reputation. On the coming of his tenth birthday, and his naming ceremony, he realised that his view point was not to kill, but to understand.
Killoren manifest a certain aspect over others in preference and rarely stray, their mindset becoming locked as sorts to a certain world view. Las'van'non was rare in that he chose wisdom and understanding, which was very different to the normal viewpoint of his newly created kind. He was never good at fighting other Killoren in the villages of trees (though he didn’t mind getting close to the others in a grapple) and neither was he very good at hiding and learning the trade of the hunter. That said, he could out talk most situations and outsmart all his fellows. The Killoren did not find this weird, no stigma was attached. Different animals have different skills to hunt and Las'van'non had chosen his. He was honey tongued and was blessed with the wit of the most cunning fey-born fox (who are very cunning...). His life changed however on his naming ceremony, and things would never be the same...
The Growing Up:
On his naming ceremony, it is traditional for all Killoren to consider their view point on life, the achievements they have worked for and what their elders had to say about them. Las'van'non could not think of a valid name for himself. He had lots of ideas, but none really fit him at all, they just didn’t really give credit to his personality. Annoyed, somewhat disappointed and aware that everyone else around him had chosen theirs he was depressed. After a few days of wandering around, secluding himself from all others he decided to leave the village until he could bare to find himself his name. With sad heart, he said good bye to his family and friends and headed off into the deep forest to find himself.
Every hero requires an epic back story. Sometimes they need a spark to ignite the passion and skills that distance them from everyone else. Las'van'non likes to think his beginning was far more mundane. No spark, no great event. In the deep forest, he spent days musing over his position in the large world. As he walked he penned some verses about his travels, taking note of the different animals and people he saw. Surely information is far more powerful than any weapon, and he set himself the task of making sure he was never unprepared. It was when he came across a fallen tree that had, by his judge, been hit by lightning his life changed. He was far from home, he had no idea where he was and he was hungry and tired. Upon the floor lay some large broken eggs, and trapped under the branches was body of a large eagle. Las'van'non found himself distraught at this image, that in one act of violence two generations of life had been lost. Levering the branches off the fallen bird he cradled it for a while, unsure as to why he was feeling such powerful emotions towards a dead creature. He had hunted and killed with regularity, but this was different. It was unneeded and callous (an experience Las'van'non was to feel a lot more of in the future). He created a small fire, blessed the creature as he knew and then with the eggs cremated the bird. What he didn’t know was the entire time he was being watched by two sets of eyes...
Las'van'non slept badly, his body starving and cold. Many nights before he had lost his blankets in fast stream. He had a choice to grab his writing materials or the blankets and he chose, what he thought stupidly, to grab the knowledge and not the key to surviving the cold nights. He had a dreamless meditation, void of anything except pain of his body slowly failing him. Life was ending, and he could do barely anything about it. He had little to hunt with, and as far as he could tell most of the things around him were dangerous or poisonous to eat. It was a grim time for such a young fey.
When he awoke he was sure that he had died? The fallen tree that he had slept next to was gone, and in its place a small cloth had been laid out on the floor. The sun was shining bright and warm, the tree tops letting more light through than he had expected possible. Weekly he sat upright, the smell of spiced cooking in the air. His belly grumbled and he almost fainted at the divine smell. On the other side of the cloth sat a dryad, bedecked in a gown of gossamer. With no words passed he took the offered bowl and drank the lovely broth. For a few days he stayed there, sometimes seeing the dryad, and sometimes not. Every morning he found food on the cloth and water in a bowl. Never did they speak, but he realised that mutual respect had been formed as dryads do not show themselves unless they want to. Soon his quizzical nature made him long for adventure and get ready to leave as he could not stay here forever. With a smile to the forest in general he said his thanks and turned to go. As he did so he ran straight into another individual dressed entirely in garments of leaves. She was another Killoren, white as he was and considerably older. He turned to run but then he realised he was blocked in. The dryad was behind him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Welcome Las'van'non" he was told in the gentle female voice. His training had begun...
Las'van'non failed at being a hunter or warrior. He even failed the next few years at being a druid. He was just to whimsical to hold down to an area and maintain it. On his first day of unofficial training however he was accosted, flayed, and generally harassed by the eagle he now loves as much as a sibling. It turned out that as he was being watched by the dryad and Killoren druid, he had made a bond with the mate of the fallen eagle. It was to be a difficult friendship to start. The eagle was very head strong, and Las'van'non very carefree. It hadn’t occurred to him that all the time he was fighting the idea of being a druid, looking over the plants and animals around him that he was slowly becoming more accustomed to the idea. He was not very good at communicating with the animals but his appetite for knowledge was overwhelming. He was told several times to stop writing it down and instead remember it. He did both, but sometimes took a little liberty in the documenting of creatures and plants. Inside every account was the truth and he knew what that was, but he loved to create stories of behaviour that sometimes were a little hard to believe. His bond grew stronger with the eagle every day and soon bypassed anything that even the older druid could teach him about how to handle the creature. By instinct alone they became the same, as much a part of each other as themselves. His dedication alone to his companion hindered his other studies, and soon his mentor realised this free spirit could not be tamed. Taking him to a roaming band of satyr musicians and performers of various fey races she introduced him and formally passed him to the greater world. They were deeply impressed about his stories, his writings and his wit and within a few weeks he had realised that home meant only where you were happy, and he was home. He took the new name of Las'van'non Tol'Quiss (Of which the surname add on is rare for fey. It was the name of the satyr musicians band that he played with). In its own Las'van'non is a bastardisation of elven and sylvan, consisting of three suffix's and no prefix. It translates to wild forest keeper or as close as possible.
He wandered and played with the satyr for many years, fame coming to the group with his compositions of flute, violin, song and dance. Many courts he visited, the Seelie leaders seeking the newest craze of music or dance with furious passion. With the satyr’s they made such a name for themselves that it had started to cause trouble for them all. They simply could not keep up with commitments. The missing of one such commitment would have dire consequences for the entire troupe.
They were due to play at the most prestigious court of the Lost Prince. Legends surround this dark figure abound. He was said to be melancholy and prone to fits of outburst. With a perfect song repertoire and dance routine practised and prepared, the troupe were on their way when they encountered an aggressive group of red caps. They tried to go around, but were hounded for the entire time they travelled, severely slowing down the group and making them miss the court. When they finally arrived, haggard and injured from the journey they were in no shape to perform immediately as the Prince requested. The Prince had the red caps found and captured, setting them to infinite labour in his mines, forced to dig cold iron from the pits. This was a grievous fate for any fey...
For the troupe, he had other plans. Chaining the satyr's to his walls he made them complete endless repetitions of their tunes. One by one they died, only to be reborn again. It is said they still play to this day, tunes filled with utter loathing and contempt for the Prince and themselves. The dancers were nailed with cold iron by the feet to the tables of the dining rooms, forced to dance on the spot permanently. Many tales of new static dancing have been spun from the captured fey, and new trends have been set. For Las'van'non, however the punishment was to be very individual. Las'van'non had risen to control the troupe for the last few months, and he was held responsible for the whole thing. Upon being questioned by the omnipotent being he had said something harmless and nearly completely true. “Sorry my lord I am tired and simply not prepared” was his response to questioning. The individual sitting next to the Price was his Troubadour of Truth, a well-trained slave that was tasked by the lords and ladies of the courts the to take messages to each other and deliver them in person in exactly the same manner and wording as given (as though the lords and ladies had spoken the messages themselves). Las'van'non was picked up on his wording, stating although it was true that he was tired it was not true that he was unprepared. The Troubadour took apart his wording exactly and informed the Prince of the falsehood. In respect for his prowess as a musician and word-smith the Prince had Las'van'non cursed with barbs into his soul, forcing him to servitude for a year equal to the number of syllables in his lie and then his freedom would be assessed. For thirteen years he was chained by a thin gold encrusted cold iron chain to a podium inside a well furnished room. He was attached to the chain by his tail, of which a solid yet well made bracelet apparition had been placed. Daily he had to write new music and plays, finding time for musing in-between. His only companion was the eagle, who he could not reach out of the tall window. The eagle sat on the branches outside day and night, year after year, making nest after nest and waiting for his companion.
Las'van'non had heights of madness, inspiration and self loathing in this time. He was never rescued, though he wished a dashing hero would. He was loved by those he could not see, the music he had created he could hear played and the applause given yet he was never able to take the ovation. He had reached the lowest place in his short life, and he made a vow that he would live through this trial and come out the other end with his head held high.
Thirteen years passed, the same endless repetition. Upon the eve of the thirteenth year, the scribbles of sylvan script that he had scrawled over the walls telling him of the passing of time, he was released to see his Prince. Alone in the antechamber except for him, the Prince and the Troubadour of Truth things were discussed between them with no witness. It is said a single short scream was heard deep into the forest for leagues. When guards rushed into the chamber they found the corpse of the fallen Troubadour of Truth and Las'van'non now wearing his garments, the Prince's great hand upon his tiny shoulder. Forever more and to this day Las'van'non has been tasked upon pain of death to never speak a lie and if given a message by a lord of the fey wilds he would deliver it with speed and accuracy. He had become the Princes new Troubadour of Truth. The bracelet upon his tail has been cursed to hold him to account, delivering crippling pain upon him if he ever faltered in his oath. Las'van'non can lie, but if he does then he is filled with utter hatred for himself and such dread that he is incapacitated for a long time. Fittingly, however, the Prince banished the unappreciated former Troubadour of Truth before placing the Geas upon Las'van'non, and in doing so left a small window in the wording of his Geas for Las'van'non to tell falsehood. He tasked Las'van'non never to speak a lie in conversation. This allowed him, and still does to this day, to sing tales or even write them down with little or no truth and be unaffected. He had found a way out, and this meant that his vast repertoire of over the top epics could still be told, even if they required a little more work to be sang as songs. For over a hundred years he held this position until the Prince, aware of his excellent services and knowledge, sent him to Golarion to see the dream for himself and bring back information. Its inhabitants call the real world the Material plane. Like most fey, Las'van'non had no experience of the world and viewed it (as most do) as a dream. And with it a capricious fey like him had little to stop himself indulging in what ever he wanted to do. With no soul the gods ignored him, and he found that his looks and wits plus his exotic appearance got him what he wanted nearly every time.
If you look back into the near history of Golarion and you really dig deep you will find tales of a white cat like creature in many different cultures. It was said a being like him worked in tandem with a young adult white dragon in the north, luring adventurers to their death's from cities and reaping rewards with the dragon from the chaos caused and trophies won.
It is documented that a creature like him was the personal love servant of a Effreet sultan in the east, and was as a lover of mermaids in the south. In the west a creature like him was documented in sleeping with a banshee. And even up in the clouds, a creature such as him was said to have been the consort to a cloud giant Empress. As with all tales, they must at least, somewhere, hold a grain of truth...or, worryingly, when composed for a Troubadour of Truth, they may all be very, very real...