Hear ye and listen: The palace is looking to expand their number of servants. Adequate wages, challenging work and secure employment await. All law-abiding men and women of a friendly disposition are welcome to apply.
Skills and traits that might further your chances:
- loyalty
- obedience
- well-groomed appearance
- courtly parlance
- prior cooking experience and/or knowledgeable about mixing various beverages
- above average strength and/or endurance
- great manual skills
- previously obtained skills that relate to cooking, cleaning, entertaining or communication
- Lismore born or a long time spend in Lismore
- absence of a criminal record
You are asked to inquire at the palace to present yourself to Prince Alynn Oreo Fu Sheng. Please keep in mind that the number of open positions is limited and final decisions will be made after the review of the candidates.
Prince Alynn Oreo Fu Sheng
Lord Chamberlain of the Household
OOC: If you are interested in this, please contact me
ooc through one of my characters or reply here, so that we can set up a scene
IC. Thanks!)