Author Topic: workworkwork  (Read 5596 times)


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« on: October 22, 2011, 12:48:48 pm »
work's been kinda hectic for me. havent been getting home till rat her late, far too late to hop on SL and actualy be decent for work in the morning late. (1145pm and start at 7am). so while i'm clocking the overtime bell a few times, my private/socal life has kinda died.

that being said i'm still around as much as i can be (not much). and those wondering about the zenko remodel, i'm launching this event come hell or high water this sunday during peak population time. if i get on and see a lot of people, i'll launch it. also everyone wish happy birthday to ash.

so while i sit here on my break, you guys have fun now ya hear?


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Re: workworkwork
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 03:29:01 am »
due to my computer getting a nasty virus that literaly deleted all of my.... ok it literaly deleted every last driver... so... SORRY!