Author Topic: Temple Rules  (Read 4296 times)


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Temple Rules
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:22:46 am »

  • The temple provides healing, food, bath and bedding freely to those who need them.
  • Those who make frequent or long term use of the temple's facilities will be asked by the tribe members to help with the chores that make these free provisions possible.
  • The temple does not actively ask for donations, but happily accept them and use them towards further supporting their visitors and those in need.
  • People who wish to are quite free to use facilities such as the kitchen to prepare meals.
  • The temple scouts and guardians are here to help! If you need an escort into the forest, the temple's scouts are experienced rangers, and will be glad to serve in this function. If you are anticipating trouble that may lead to violence, please rely on the temple guardians instead of taking it into your own hands!


  • Peace is very sacred to the temple. The only circumstance under which violence is tolerated is if it is being used to defend oneself against unprovoked violence in kind. Violation of this rule will result in a stern response from the temple's guardians, and may result in time spent in the city jail, or banishment from the temple grounds for a period. Repeated offenses will result in longterm banishment from temple grounds.
  • Most of the temple's other rules are very commonplace - thievery, the encouragement of violent acts, and other obviously unlawful acts are not tolerated. Violation of this rule will vary depending on the offense.
  • The temple is not a place for fugitives to escape justice. Those who ask for sanction will be provisionally granted it, so long as the person seeking it remains peaceful. However, if it is found that the person in question has committed a valid crime, the person or persons will be turned over to a member of authority from the faction in which the person is wanted.
  • Temple bans are to be respected under all conditions. Temple officials make regular visits to the city, and those who are seeking to appeal a ban may let them know in person. Those who are found in violation of a temple ban - that is, being physically present on the temple grounds (Which encompasses both the temple itself and the connected forest) will be asked to leave, and if refused, will be removed with whatever force is found necessary.
  • It should be kept in mind at all times that while the temple promotes love, peace and wellbeing, they are NOT pacifists. The temple's scouts and guardians are very experienced fighters, and will defend the temple's sacred peace if it becomes necessary to do so.
  • All rules specifically laid forth for the temple's shrines must be followed, and are enforced by the temple scouts. Please review them carefully!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 07:59:43 am by Husky Dragon »