(( One of my characters have begun to keep a journal, so I'll post his entries here. You're welcome to read & gain insight into his mind, though prod me if you'd like a char to ICly stumble across it & manage to open and read it. Yamanu can be quite careless with where he keeps his things sometimes. ))
A pair of fairly large, padlocked hardcover tomes lay on a shelf tagged with Yamanu's name in the Temple. If one were to manage to open them, they would prove to be journals in progress.
Vol.1 appears to have suffered water damage.
Vol.1 - This post.
Vol.2 -
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::JOURNAL:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Belongs to Yamanu Blacke.
Return to Tirrenelda' Temple if found.
~~~ Entry 1, D-228 Y-20 2nd Well I'm not entirely sure how to begin this journal. I have in fact never written one before, though I feel it is necessary to document my life at this point in time.
My name is Yamanu Blacke. I'm the son of Protector Valda Blacke of the Cruentus faction, one of the most skilled warriors of the land here, and of Hazel, an infamous necromancer. My mother was a fennec and my father was a cougar; you can imagine how awkward I must look at a glance.
My name, parents or heritage is not why I have begun to document my life however; I'm not really sure why I have started on this path but I know that perhaps one day, the reason will be clear to me.
I don't have anything in particular to write right now, though I shall add any event of significance to the journal for reference.
- Y
~~~ Entry 2, D-230 Y-20 2nd I had another incident today. We had a visitor at the temple this morning and he was a piece of work. Disrespectful and cruel, but in such a way that I could not banish him from the temple grounds as I probably should have. I hate it when people work around the rules like that.
I tried my best to serve him, but he continued to throw petty allegations my way, however poorly disguised they were, and my temper and impatience spiked. I could feel that thing inside of me again... that sensation. I can't describe it, but it welled up in me. I quickly assigned another monk to help our guest while I made for the grass fields just outside to calm down. The energy I showed Danath a while ago -- yeah, the one that he told me not to wield again -- it flared up in my hands. I could not control it; I was so upset. The plantlife around me began to wither and die as usual when I get like this.
I've been trying to find a librarian who is supposed to be able to help me control this thing, but meanwhile I have to live with it. And I can't get it out of my head; my thoughts continue to shift toward that power.
Why does it only come forth like that when I'm upset? Why does it kill plants around me when it does? Does this have something to do with my father? Or is there just something wrong with me?
I can't help but feel like a monster.
I had another visitor later today. His name was Ike. Amelie and Kain's son. He was nice; I enjoyed spending time with him.
His fur colour makes my eyes ache. It's not his fault, I know, but I shall have to find an excuse to avert my gaze from him while we interact so he doesn't take it the wrong way.
It's nice to see another feline with fennec-ish traits for a change.
Nothing much happened after that; Danath asked me to participate in a ritual to bring back someone who was unjustly slain. I disagree with the notion, but I will put my feelings aside and help.
I've felt really, really off today. I hope tomorrow will be better.
- Y
~~~ Entry 3, D-234, Y-20 2nd Four days without an entry. I'm sorry; it takes time to work in new habits. The past few days were fairly uneventful, and I've been gradually improving my condition since last time I wrote here. I'm feeling a lot better today, though still not entirely myself.
I met a homeless woman last night. She wouldn't trust me with her true name, but told me to call her Jade. She's a wolf of course, keeps her body hidden underneath an extravagantly large cloak. I wish she wouldn't hide like that, but I guess I understand why.
We had a little talk during dinner with Danath and the gang. I enjoyed that, even if I was reluctant to converse at first. I guess my social phobia is starting to give way a little, so long as I don't have any repeats of my second entry.
I haven't mentioned my teacher, Dru yet. She's one of the people I trust besides Hanuman, my mate, my mother and Danath. Yes I know I'm not exactly going to win the reward for Most Trusting Person, but I like to have control over who interacts with me as much as possible. It makes me feel secure. I guess I've always been a very nervous person, but I digress...
Dru is a bunny, can you believe it? The irony of a cougar-fennec hybrid being taught by a bunny is not lost on me. She is very nice about it though, and she accepts my talents and limitations for what they are. Well, what talents she knows of at least. I haven't told her about the energy yet. She used to be a temple scout. I don't know how she'd react to it.
The woman is an excellent fighter though, and she's teaching me how to battle so that I too may do my part to protect the people that I love and help safeguard the island. Especially the temple. Especially Hanuman. Last session, she had me practice stances; she showed me how they work and complement a combatant, and how they will help me avoid incoming attacks and strike back. I think she's also figured out how my adoptive muscle memory works, even more than I do.
When I was asked to adapt the stance, I for some reason couldn't do it. It's as if I don't know how to make my own motions; my muscles do all the work for me and reach into their 'library' of witnessed movements whenever I need to do something, and then I just do it. It was frustrating not to be able to shift my legs outside the given stance. And it hurt when I managed to tilt my head to the side while keeping that stance. So we worked on that for the rest of the session.
I'm really happy that she's so understanding; it must be frustrating to work with someone who's only able to copy others and not be able to do things on his own.
And it all has got me wondering if everything I do is really just copied off of others. I have learned the theory behind acupuncture, for instance, but I'm well aware that my accuracy in placing needles is copied off a master I watched when I was in Asia with my mothers.
I guess it's just as much a gift as it is a curse; I acquire decades' worth of training and practice in the few moments it takes for me to observe a craftsman work, but I cannot adapt it and make it my own work. Here's to hoping I'll be able to 'unlock' my own motions in the future.
I worry a little for my image. Danath recently mentioned that he wanted to ask Naneth to bring back an unfairly slain person from death to this life. And he wanted me to participate. I've said yes and I understand that it's not quite like necromancy, and that if the goddess says it's alright, it IS in fact OK, but I already have a stigma of being a necromancer like my father over me -- and my issue would just add to that if it came out. Most people wouldn't understand that this was by an act of a goddess and not by the hands of a mortal. To them, revival means something inherently evil and corrupt.
And I agree to an extent. Realizing that I wouldn't have been born if the world worked that way, I personally think that what's dead should stay dead. A person dies when it is his time to die, and I feel that bringing them back would do them no favour. Most spirits are at peace when they die, and those who are not can be guided to the afterlife where they will find rest. Who are we to take that away from them?
It matters little however. I said I would help Danath in the ritual and I'm a man (or boy, as Jade called me) of my word. I just hope it won't come back to bite me.
On to more humorous matters, I am apparently a walking stereotype. I eat raw meat, hate the water and I prefer my milk warm. No wonder cats have a reputation for being predictable. There was another feline at the table during dinner last night though! (She said she was a dragon, but I saw cat.) She too wanted warm milk. That made the situation turn from awkward to amusing. I learned that I'm not alone in that, which made me feel a lot better. I like it when other people agree with me.
- Y