For the purpose of preventing the spread of infectious disease and other maladies during the unexpectedly severe winter months, it is decreed that all livestock within the City of Lismore shall be inspected monthly for good health. Slaves are to be considered livestock for the purposes of this requirement. Living areas of said stock shall also be inspected to ensure healthy living environments for all creatures. Such areas include but are not limited to barns, pens, quarters, and shipboard storage. Traders should expect that their stock will be inspected upon arrival prior to being allowed to disembark. Knowingly creating a health hazard by attempting to evade or falsify screening results will be subject to penalties.
The city asks that anyone with knowledge about unsafe conditions to please report such immediately. While townspeople are not subject to this decree, it is asked that the sick take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of ailment. Questions on health matters can be referred to the Lismore Infirmary. Questions regarding this statue can be referred to the Prime Minister or the Lord of Lismore.
This statute shall expire upon the first day of the spring season (as measured by the halfway point between the winter and summer equinoxes) unless extended.
Emir Brightmane
Prime Minister of Lismore