Author Topic: This is the big one guys - the sim relocation event!  (Read 4275 times)

Husky Dragon

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This is the big one guys - the sim relocation event!
« on: May 07, 2013, 05:34:45 pm »
Hey everyone! Alot of you have already caught wind of this to my understanding, but in response to the sim's inevitable move, we've prepared what is easily going to be the biggest event hosted to date! This event is going to explain exactly how lismore goes from being how it is now, to being a cluster of floating islands - this event is going to be VERY fun, and I won't ruin it by saying EXACTLY what is going to happen, but I will give some general information right now.

1. This event is going to be VERY combat heavy - more combat that i've done in any event so far.

2. It is IMPOSSIBLE for character death to occur during this event without the player's ooc request - that being said, we are looking for volunteers if anyone's looking to thin out their character roster!

3. Just about every significant baddie i've made over the past couple years is bound to show up - and some new ones will show up too!

4. Not only is this event going to explain the move, but it'll also kick off a new longterm storyline, and a whole barrage of new plot devices for future stories!

We don't want to lose our Sim, but I promise we're not going without a bang!

Below is the TENTATIVE event schedule - if you have anything to say about the times, now's the time to speak up!

Friday, May 10th 12:00 NOON SLT - 6:00 PM SLT (This will include the event introduction and the arrival of participating factions/individuals.)

Saturday, May 11th 8:00 AM SLT - 6:00 PM SLT (This will be day-long - staff will be on call all day to host scenes relevant to the event, so please IM us whenever you're feeling up for a fight!

Sunday, May 12th On this day, we'll be starting out at 8:00 AM SLT, and we will have the event's ending be during our player peak for the day!

This means that we will officially be rping at "Lismore Lite" as of May 12th!

If you guys have any questions, please ask away here - now's the time for questions, because during the event, we are going to be extremely busy as staff!