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General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to Lismore!
« Last post by Jaecar Ulrik on July 08, 2021, 11:24:51 am »
<3 Been a long ride. Glad its still going.
General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to Lismore!
« Last post by MysticLancer on July 01, 2021, 08:24:43 pm »
Guess what time of the year it is!

It's Lismore's 13th birthday! Woohoo!

Not bad for a place that runs on a shoestring budget and kicks out troublemakers (which let's be honest make up most of the population) at the rates we do!  ;)

So to all those who have been with us, for however long they have been, I thank you all for your company and friendship and for the RPs we've had so far!

Happy 13th birthday, Lismore!

Wowo 13 years. Thats amazing <3.
General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to Lismore!
« Last post by Ani on July 01, 2021, 12:49:38 pm »
General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to Lismore!
« Last post by Radem on July 01, 2021, 12:45:31 pm »
That's a long time, yikes! Soon Lismore will be old enough to drive (in most of the US, anyway). One wonders where it would go.

Congrats everyone on a lot of years of fun stuff!
General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to Lismore!
« Last post by Aryn Gentlepaw on July 01, 2021, 12:44:44 pm »
Happy 13th Birthday, Lismore!

Thanks for all the great stories that were created and played, and the friends we made along the way <3
General Discussion / Happy Birthday to Lismore!
« Last post by Ashtyn on July 01, 2021, 12:40:23 pm »
Guess what time of the year it is!

It's Lismore's 13th birthday! Woohoo!

Not bad for a place that runs on a shoestring budget and kicks out troublemakers (which let's be honest make up most of the population) at the rates we do!  ;)

So to all those who have been with us, for however long they have been, I thank you all for your company and friendship and for the RPs we've had so far!

Happy 13th birthday, Lismore!
News / Chocolate Hijack
« Last post by Ashtyn on April 23, 2021, 10:40:50 pm »
  Word would reach Lismore that the Qalasian fennecs now offer cocoa beans for significantly cheaper than the previous merchants did.
  The Qalasians have reportedly established portal-based trade routes with the source of the beans, undercutting other merchants who had to transport the commodity by ship across vast oceans.
  This brings forth the promise of a significantly cheaper cost for chocolate in Lismore, but also has angered merchants who previously had stakes on the product.
Kun Qalasi / sweet, sweet chocolate!
« Last post by Ashtyn on April 23, 2021, 10:40:10 pm »
  King Senusnet announced to his people, and respective business partners, that they have now established portal-based trading routes with cocoa bean planters from the Mayan Empire.
  A portal into the Mayans' land would be opened once a month, for traders to conduct their business and bring to Kun Qalasi the previous month's harvest of beans, to be sold in the markets.
  This new trade deal would provide the extremely precious cocoa beans at a significantly cheaper cost than previously, where it had to be transported by ships, across oceans, at great expense.
  Qalasian merchants are to discuss new trade deals with Lismorean buyers, one of the biggest market for the pricy delicacy.
Kun Qalasi / Temple of the Oracle of the Sun
« Last post by Ashtyn on April 14, 2021, 12:49:38 am »
  King Senusnet of Kun Qalasi has broken ground on a new construction project. The Temple of the Oracle of the Sun shall be built on a rocky outcrop of the Qalasian butte, and it will house the Qalasian priesthood and the Oracle of the Sun, a priest specially selected to use powers of clairvoyance to make prophecies.

  The new temple is part of a construction program by King Senusnet that aims to diversify Kun Qalasi's sources of wealth, and together with the Oracle of Amun in Siwa and the Oracle of Apollo in Delphi, draw in pilgrims and visitors to the fennec city.
Documents / PRIME MINISTER Appointment: Athian Hoggard
« Last post by Ashtyn on April 14, 2021, 12:43:06 am »
  On the 225th day of the 48th year of the Fourth Age of Lismore, Her Majesty Empress Ariel Na'Varr Fu Sheng has bestowed upon Lord Athian Hoggard the title of Prime Minister of the Lismorean Empire and its territories.

Signed by Her Majesty, Ariel Na'Varr Fu Sheng
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