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Events / Re: World of Fog
« Last post by Tenaar Feiri on August 04, 2021, 04:51:11 pm »
Report by Sefu the Wizard ((August 5th, '21)):
<Report is made with very aggressively drawn handwriting>

Investigated fog presence in the Lismorean mines together with the dragon Twilus. Proceeded to be attacked by a griffin with glowing bits, which Twilus appeared to recognise as Vinpict or whatever the fuck the name was. I know him as Kheperu. This was apparently the grifter friend that Twilus lost in a previous attack, who has come back.
Seems to be confirming my theory that the fog creatures, lacking genitals and being largely sexually indistinct, reproduce by way of assimilation.

Capture was attempted, but ultimately failed. Griffin escaped back to the fog after getting its fucking dick carved to bits. He tore up my face! Tried to rape Twilus, who almost died from the incident.
Events / Re: World of Fog
« Last post by MysticLancer on August 04, 2021, 04:57:50 am »
report 8/3/21 Kain Harem

A tentacle appeared at the entrance of new eden near the workshop market district. Alvin Kouski was spotted by a creature named Terra being grabbed by the tentacle and slammed on the ground. Alvin sustained damage to his chin, chest and nose from this incident. He was freed by Terra but was attacked by a corrupted griffin and sustained serious scratch wounds to his back. I managed to chase off the griffin with Terra's help but was unable to capture.

I will be sending out a patrol later today.
Events / Re: World of Fog
« Last post by Aryn Gentlepaw on August 03, 2021, 12:27:47 am »
Reports 8/3/2021

The necromancer Navaru reported to the guard that with the help of the dragon alchemist and sorcerer Twilus, and a wild gryphon called Vrinpict, they managed to locate the main source of the corruption near the beach of Lismore City. It had been hidden below the waterfalls on a ledge. Sadly they caught the attention of the enemy, during which the gryphon was lost to the enemy and dragged into the rift portal, while Twilus managed to escape wounded, but also capturing the dead body of one of the cultists they had found there. Azura of the Lismore Guard was present for the investigation afterwards. It was decided then to prepare an airship assault on the remaining incursion, as quickly as possible.

While Azura and Twilus scouted and watched the cultists, the Banshee Queen was called in to assist with a decisive broad side from its twin cannons, which obliterated the remaining cultists and took care of that threat. The gryphon remains lost though, and is assumed to be either dead or turned against Lismore, so caution is advised should anyone see him again.
Kun Qalasi / PAGE the bat, RELEASED
« Last post by Tenaar Feiri on July 31, 2021, 12:32:00 am »
This certificate confirms that former slave, PAGE, has been released from service and is recognised as a FREE MAN in the eyes of the law and of the Slavers' Guild.
Document is to be kept on hand at all times for the bearer's safety. A copy exists in the records of the Guild branch of KUN QALASI.

Description: Moderately tall orange bat-creature, male and female genitalia, bears a defunct slave brand on one thigh; nearly blind, orange-redish eyes.

<various signatures of guild clerks decorate the rest of the page, as well as various guild stamps>
Kun Qalasi / Slave Papers
« Last post by Tenaar Feiri on July 31, 2021, 12:25:34 am »
A repository of known slaves, freed or otherwise.

Slave release certificate
Code: [Select]
This certificate confirms that former slave, [u]NAME[/u], has been released from service and is recognised as a [u]FREE MAN/WOMAN/PERSON[/u] in the eyes of the law and of the Slavers' Guild.
Document is to be kept on hand at all times for the bearer's safety. A copy exists in the records of the Guild branch of [u]CITY/KINGDOM[/u]

Description: <insert description of person>
Events / Re: World of Fog
« Last post by Ani on July 30, 2021, 11:19:54 am »
Reports 7/30/2021

Sha-Khet mercenaries Lucient, Salamander, Ellen and Mase responded to an attack by a tall fog-being and a large number of minions at the beach, assisted by Renegades warrior Roxie and royal guard Azura. Defending forces received multiple injuries but no fatalities, and the creature was destroyed. It was noted that the fog on the beach has not receded following the defeat of this large creature.
Events / Re: World of Fog
« Last post by Ani on July 27, 2021, 06:59:17 pm »
Reports 7/27/2021

Duhain, Sefu and Navaru responded to the presence of the portal discovered during a previous incident at the apartment tower - the portal was successfully closed, an an important material for mental resistance training was recovered.
Events / Re: World of Fog
« Last post by Ani on July 27, 2021, 07:25:44 am »
Reports 7/26/2021

Ciro and Amalia Solis were assaulted by powerful, demon-like creature at the beach. Yuna, Zyra and Lucient responded to assist - all injured parties were escorted to the temple and have been treated successfully.
Kun Qalasi / Magic Permits
« Last post by Ashtyn on July 26, 2021, 03:27:38 am »
Below is a list of those officially permitted to practice magic and/or wield magical artifacts in Kun Qalasi. These permits are issued by order of the King, or the Lord Vizier:

  • Members of the Qalasian Priesthood.
  • Qalasian Guards, with the captain of the guard able to grant temporary permits.
  • The Blush Ramaus of King Senusnet.
  • Members of the Royal Household.
  • Sefu the apprentice wizard.
  • Braheem the innkeeper.
  • Daliyah Na'Varr Fu Sheng.
  • Salamander, Sha'Khet mercenary.
  • Jezebel, Sha'Khet mercenary.
  • Kabir, Sha'Khet mercenary.
  • Ellen Harwood, Sha'Khet mercenary.
  • Vera Valentine, Sha'Khet mercenary.
Kun Qalasi / New Magic Regulations
« Last post by Ashtyn on July 25, 2021, 11:14:19 pm »
  By decree of His Majesty the Son of the Sun God King Senusnet, all magical artifacts of any kind must be declared upon entering Kun Qalasi!

  Magical artifacts will be inspected and evaluated by the authorities upon entry.

  • If a magical artifact is deemed 'safe', it will be permitted entrance into the city.
  • If a magical artifact is deemed 'unsafe', it will be held by the authorities, and returned to its owner upon their departure.
  • If a magical artifact is deemed 'dangerous', it will be confiscated by the authorities and its owner will be imprisoned where they will await trial.
  • If a magical artifact is found smuggled into the city, it will be confiscated by the authorities and its owner may face severe and summary punishment!

  Furthermore, all magic rituals of non-native Heka ((Ancient Egyptian magic)) shall require permission from the authorities before they are performed. Those found performing rituals without permission shall face imprisonment and punishment!

  Only the authorities and the blush ramaus are permitted to practice and exhibit magic in public. Those who do so without proper permission and supervision will be punished!

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