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Messages - LadyUrsa

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General Discussion / Goodbye Lismore
« on: December 16, 2012, 10:10:52 am »
I follow Bris to say an official farewell to Lismore. It will be a fond memory, for the most part. Like my wife,I don't pretend that recent events didn't solidify my intent, but I am posting this merely for closure and to wish my still remaining friends well.

Good night and good luck.

Events / Re: War for lismore!
« on: December 12, 2012, 08:07:46 pm »
What, I take a break for a few months and y'all go around destroying cities? Whose gonna be left wielding the broom, hmm? Didja ever think of that?

Ah! Ursa! You came back just in time! We're gonna need that broom of yours!  ;)

Not sure I am all back yet, and Bris and I will be out of town this weekend, so the ability to SL connect will be spotty at best. We'll see.

Events / Re: War for lismore!
« on: December 12, 2012, 06:46:37 pm »
What, I take a break for a few months and y'all go around destroying cities? Whose gonna be left wielding the broom, hmm? Didja ever think of that?

General Discussion / Re: Silly test thing I found in Nova's signature
« on: October 18, 2012, 02:45:14 pm »
Et moi.

General Discussion / Re: The Financial Crisis and Us
« on: March 28, 2012, 12:53:54 am »
So, that is 10 sponsors at $25 a month or 25 at $10 a month. Much less scary sounding than $250, Ash Darlin'.

Ardyn and I can absolutely sponsor at least one of those 10 slots reliably, and we can probably cover a second slot if needed.

Calling for sponsors is a good move, Ash, we should be taking more of the financial burden for ourselves.

General Discussion / Re: Poseballs: Love or Hate?
« on: March 14, 2012, 03:11:56 am »
The poseball near the post along the entry to the temple was great when I first started, I found it great for the shy rabbit to be able to hide and peek around at the people gathered. The ones in the tubs I'm less keen on, but I'd rather see more pose variety in them than to take them all away.

Other than the temple though, I can't think of any permanent ones I've used.

Perhaps the tubs could get updated and get rid of the poseballs? I also really like the shy peeking around poseball, but, other than furniture that rez them, I can't think of the last time I used one outside of the baths.

General Discussion / Re: What part of a horse are you?
« on: February 08, 2012, 04:09:39 pm »
*snickers* I am a Scorpio....

General Discussion / Re: What are you doing on the holidays? (2011)
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:12:20 am »
Ardyn and I are baking like mad women until some unknown time later today (Thursday the 22), wrapping a few things and then leaving to housesit at m y sisters over the weekend. We are also, sometime tonight, delivering 4 of the 6 baskets of 7 kinds of baked goods to various and sundry people.

Seriously, 6 baskets total ends up being something more than 500 cookies, and 12 mini loaves of bread. We are batshit insane, but damn we are having fun doing it.

Christmas eve and Christmas are likely to be quiet, just the two of us and possible intimate friends on one day or the other.

We light Hanukkah candles all this week and sometime over the weekend we will do our Solstice ritual as well.

I love this time of year, and I usually come out the other side, the end of January ready to fall over for a week or two.

We've done small amounts of shopping and we've handmade most of the family gifts, so it's shaping up to be a quietly fun, tiring and bitterly cold, season.

I will more than likely be appearing more in Lismore after everything is baked, wrapped, bought, trimmed, and had its bow put on top, but until then, if you need me for anything you can reach me through Asha, Ani, Naurel or Glasere, and I'll make an extra effort to show up or something.

Bright fires warm the cold days and bright lights cheer weary hearts, no matter what or how or even if you celebrate anything or everything(like we do).

Happy Holidays,

Ursa and Ardyn

General Discussion / Re: The "Random Photo You Want to Share" Thread!
« on: November 20, 2011, 02:34:31 pm »
A fun look at alignments...

Events / Re: What would you like to see?
« on: November 08, 2011, 01:36:01 pm »
Maybe we can coordinate the Carnival leader and a market event as one event for a few days.

Phoenix / Re: Phoenix Discussion
« on: September 21, 2011, 07:17:35 am »
Remember that giant horns do not all have to be made of animal horns, some are made of wood and metal, the alphorns of Switzerland f'instance.

and here is a link for such a thing from the Marketplace  -

Phoenix might know of a couple people who can grow big plants...

Hope this helps!

Events / Re: Threaten Phoenix!
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:44:05 pm »
Annndd you might have a couple of staff who have dryders already, who might be willing to npc for ya!

General Discussion / Re: Lets count to a Googolplex
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:41:04 pm »

It would be interesting to split the Zenko into two sections... a School to learn Magic and the Military Wing of Lismore. This way we can train people without just giving them "books" to learn and give  people solid RP for Magic. And if they wanted to, without obligation, they can join the Military aspect of Lismore. The issue with the former Zenko, training was pretty much solo... That was rough on any new member because they were on their own without RP. That can be changed now.

I actually really like this idea, especially as there is already the alchemist's guild centered there.  I think giving an actual magic user training, with alchemy as a specialty would work well.  And since thhere is a definite player base for the soldier and hero types, having that be able to be it's own rp makes some good sense.

General Discussion / Re: Lets count to a Googolplex
« on: August 22, 2011, 05:05:12 am »

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