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Messages - Andel

Pages: [1]
Stories / Re: Sono Andel's Journal
« on: September 30, 2016, 03:44:37 pm »
Day 90 - Year 15 - 4th Age

    It's been two weeks...

    A fortnight since I first approached him concerning his... heritage.

    It took some persuading and a deal that may haunt me but he agreed. And now a similar ritual to the one that was used to pull Dagger back from the ether into her first body will be used to bring back my beloved little bat. I lack a fresh corpse to put her in... but I have an idea.

     Back when I was doing diplomatic missions for Xela, a contact of mine sealed her being into a soul gem. I carried it for some time and retrieved the gem from my contact after she regained a body. If I can dig it up... I'll have my vessel.

Stories / Re: Sono Andel's Journal
« on: September 30, 2016, 03:36:36 pm »
Day 76 - Year 15 - 4th Age

     I was in hibernation for the duration of the winter months. My form seems... in complete.

     I had to inspect the blades for rust, holding Serene's blade my resolve has been steeled. I'm going to seek out that boy...

Stories / Re: Sono Andel's Journal
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:59:00 pm »
Day 355 - Year 14 - 4th Age

     It's the first day of winter... The cavern is growing colder.

     It's been over a year since Serene was killed, I keep staring at her sword, so small in my hands.

     There's a long sleep coming over me, I can feel it. I'm not sure when I'll awaken but I know when I do I need to seek him out...

Stories / Re: Sono Andel's Journal
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:53:57 pm »
Day 182 - Year 14 - 4th Age

     It's already Summer. Time is passing so quickly. I've been sleeping for longer and longer. Katrina told me I was in the crystal for two months this last time.

    Something feels.. off.

Stories / Re: Sono Andel's Journal
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:48:42 pm »
Day 12 - Year 14 - 4th Age

     Happy new year...

     The holidays felt... empty. I spent time with the kids. River stopped by the Inn as well. it was nice but I feel so hollow.

     I retrieved Serene's sword from her youngest son. The child she had with the Dragon. He's a good soul, I gave considerable thought to killing him when I first met him.

     Jealousy maybe? Guilt driven anger?

     Regardless, I never acted on those impulses. Now I have the blade I sent before I died the last time.

     To what end?

Stories / Sono Andel's Journal
« on: September 29, 2016, 05:41:40 pm »
These are the tattered pages of one Sono Andel's writings, found in a small chest tucked away within the mana springs. Not in plain sight, but easy enough to find for someone who's looking.

~~~ Day 349 - Year 13 - 4th Age

     It's been a week since the news broke. Serene is dead and I'm wracked with an unending grief. Michael, bless his soul, has tried his best to console me.
     I've taken to the bottle instead. River's enchantment let's the liquor work it's magic.

General Discussion / Re: Random Question of the Day
« on: January 29, 2015, 08:54:15 pm »
Bismuth is really cool.

Events / Re: Explosion!
« on: December 21, 2012, 11:54:25 pm »
Sono Andel (Former Phoenix): Last known to be in the Mana well in a Tass cocoon.

Levi Lightkeeper (Leviathan/Lighthouse Keeper): MIA

Phoenix / Re: A Pint and a Rumor
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:21:15 pm »
Patron 1: "You seen all the commotion earlier?"
Patron 2: "With that Husky fellow and Miss Serene?"

Patron 1: "Aye, apparently Serene's lover had a fling with the Husky's wife and they had a child."
Patron 2: "Wait... isn't the Husky's wife that wolf River?"

Patron 1: "Aye, And Serene's lover is that guard Sono."
Patron 2: "I thought River was his child... That's what he's always sayin'."

Patron 1: "I thought so too."
Patron 2: "..."

General Discussion / Re: The Financial Crisis and Us
« on: March 28, 2012, 10:01:23 am »
I'm torn, while I feel the same as Xela... Sen makes a strong point and the changes could really shake up the current RP. I'm for the sponsoring, and would be willing to help out. But, if the plan falls through and Plan B is go, well... I'll still come to Lismore indefinitely.

Phoenix / Regretful Conclusion
« on: January 16, 2012, 09:31:12 pm »
The hunt for information concerning the disappearance of Dagger, former member of Phoenix is over.
A Reliable source has informed Sono Andel that Dagger was eliminated for being a threat to the safety of Phoenix.

There are no plans for a funeral.

-The parchment was curiously stained with tears-

Phoenix / Former Phoenix Missing!
« on: January 16, 2012, 08:49:59 pm »
Former Phoenix member Dagger has gone missing. Her fiance Sono Andel is asking for support in gathering information that will lead to her safe return or reveal her fate.

Sono is offering a Reward to those who's information is considered valuable to the investigation.

Should any informaition come to light, please pass it on to Sono Andel. If the informant wishes to remain Anonymous, please give the information to one of the Phoenix Miners who will in turn deliver it to Sono.

Phoenix / Re: Phoenix Rollcall!
« on: July 26, 2011, 10:50:06 am »
Name: Sono Andel
Rank: Black Phoenix Member
Secondary rank:Resident Assassin
Appearance: White fur with black undercoat, complete heterochromia in his eyes (one gold, one blue), and a crescent shaped scar on his left cheek.

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