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Messages - fawn

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Stories / Fawn and Mishra
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:54:43 am »

[02:00] Mishra Snowpaw grins to Fawn, evidently not being one to mind the concept of 'too much information', "'s 'that time of the year' for my wife... We've been at it non-stop... all week."
[02:01] Fawn oohs.. "I know what THAT feels like..."

Stories / Fawn Painting
« on: January 18, 2013, 05:40:11 pm »

Marketplace / Work Wanted / Jobs
« on: January 08, 2013, 08:09:14 pm »
Need a job? Got skills to trade? Why not post it here?

Fawn is seeking bath boys and girls at the bath house. No skill or experience required, full training provided. Not much wages, but you get to keep your tips. A great way to meet people and move on to greater advancement!

Lismore City / Bath House Rented
« on: January 02, 2013, 10:29:51 pm »
Fawn has rented the bath house and is intending to run it as some kind of a business. She says "I'm looking to hire bath boys and girls. There's no wages I'm afraid - the baths are given for free, but you get to keep any tips you are given. A keen worker can make quite a good living! There will be merchandise to be sold too, herbs and candles, soap and bath salts and things."

Stories / Re: Pages from Bamika's Sketchbook
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:38:30 am »

Small cat girl by BAMIKA

Stories / Re: Pages from Bamika's Sketchbook
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:37:21 am »

Xian black warrior by BAMIKA

Stories / Re: Pages from Bamika's Sketchbook
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:36:32 am »

Dragon mistress by BAMIKA

Stories / Pages from Bamika's Sketchbook
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:35:17 am »
Your name is BAMIKA. Draw things in this book to remember them.

Stories / Arlene: If I had a hammer
« on: September 26, 2012, 03:03:54 am »

General Discussion / Suggestion: Facebook Page
« on: September 23, 2012, 02:01:59 am »
Why not start a facebook page or group for the members of the Lismore Community who are on Facebook?

Potential advantages:

* Build the community
* Encourage people to talk and make friendships in real life
* Attract our friends to play on Lismore
* Transcend the limitations of SL
* Oh yeah, and an easier way to let people know if you're sick, on holidays, offline, having a baby, visiting a particular Con or city...

What does everyone else think?

Stories / Arlene and Abbadon: A Good Beginning
« on: September 23, 2012, 01:32:53 am »

Arlene 's eyes glow brightly as she starts to babble. "Vhelels of interlocking zircles, zixfold zymetry, ja, like a flower, like a rose, wheels of mithril zilver, very ight, very strong, arms like a tree, ya, vreaching out to emprace ze purrfect zircle of ze cog teez... A vlower of zilver going round and round and round and round and round...."

Abbadon would grin at that softly, moving to wrap an arm around her and offer her a firm hug, listening to her as he purrs softly.

Arlene purrrs and rubs her face against him. "It vill be beautiful, zo beutiful, always in motion, like ze musik ov ze spheres..."

Abbadon smiles at that and nods his head, petting along her head and ears as he purrs. "I can't wait to see more of your work, Arlene.. I've always appreciated good metal work and what little i've seen from you has already stunned me."

Arlene nods enthusiastically. "May girl begin now?" she begs. "Pleeease?"

 Abbadon smiles softly at that and nods his head, sitting up slowly and purring. "As long as I get to watch you."

Arlene leaps to her feet and gives her master an impulsive hug, almost like he was one of her sisters. "Arlene will begin drafting the design now, then prepare casting the alloy. Von hundred cog vhells of assorted size vill be a gut beginning, Ja, a gut beginning!

The Temple / Re: IC Reports and Events
« on: May 19, 2012, 06:42:54 pm »
Bellatrix Valentine ((felix.stourmead)) has joined the tribe as a scout-in-training. She will be training under Scout Dru. Welcome the tribe! The tribe increases! Yay!

Stories / Re: Fawn: A Woman of the Deer People
« on: May 16, 2012, 03:52:03 am »
Cat. Well, Svetlana brought Cat to Lismore, she's not much to look at, a black and white striped feline, named, um, Cat. A bit like a deer named Fawn. I scarcely noticed her at first because she kept her eyes down and never spoke. I think her former owner must have abused her.

Svetlana bought a few girls like that over the years, my memory blurs a little, I mean your sister Demeter was much like that, she wouldn't look at me, uncommunicative, until we eventually worked out who we were. Svart said I didn't want to know where he had found her, and she didn't venture to tell me, so I never asked. Was that wrong?

But Cat, Cat... I spent a lot of time sitting around on the floor of the Inn, Svetlana didn't mind me being there. I didn't have any money, I've never really understood now it works. These days I go and find and dig up pennies dropped between the stones of the forum when I want to buy a bowl of milk. In those days I preferred ale, but it made me act silly, taking off my clothes and dancing on tables and I'm too old for that now. So I stick to milk.

You know slaves are invisible to many people? I sit in the Inn and watch the slaves go back and forth with meals and pitchers of ale and wine, and many people just don't see the slaves who are serving them. But I see them. I know from experience a slave quickly learns to become invisible, to attract attention is to invite a beating. Cats are naturally good at invisibility, sitting and moving silently, escaping attention. So are deer.

So I have often sat quietly in the Inn and listened, and learned. And sometimes I would speak quietly to Cat about my life, about our Heavenly Mother and the life she wants us to have. I never learned very much about Cat's life: she never spoke very much about herself, but she paid attention to what I said, and one thing seemed to particularly catch her attention.

I'd been thinking about needs. "Everyone needs three things: Something to do, something to look forward to, and someone to love." It was something someone said to me once. I live in a temple, I talk to a lot of wandering sages, and so pick up lots of bits and pieces of philosophy which must be tried on for size and fit, but it caught Cat's attention.

"Like I love Mistress?" She asked.

"Yes," I blinked a little bit. "Yes. You need someone to love, and for you that is your Mistress."

She considered it, and nodded, seeming quite happy to make that identification. I took it a little further. "And Mistress Svetlana... loves her girls. Because she needs someone to love as well."

Cat frowned at this, and she was right, it was a little presumptuous for me to say so, but at last she nodded. "It seems to me," I murmured. "You serve her as much by being there for her to love, as you do by loving her. You both need someone to love."

And that was it. I sense this will cause trouble for some people. Some people feel a slave should despise and hate those who own them for their cruelty and injustice. I understand that point of view. Others will say it's wrong for two females to love each other in that way. I guess... Love should never be despised. Love is too precious a flower to be trampled on, no matter where it grows.

Our Heavenly Mother wants us to love one another, that is all she has to give us. While ever we care about each other we should never condemn love.

The Rules / Re: Things to Avoid when Writing a Character Card!
« on: May 12, 2012, 03:53:19 am »
Magic has always presented a bit of a problem for me, psychologically speaking, because it is by definition something which exceeds reality, and in some ways I have a very down to earth and detail oriented mind.

The problem with magic in Lismore is that it's not strictly defined and there are practically speaking no rules saying what magic can and can't achieve.

In the real world powers are very strictly limited by "physical principles" or "laws of nature" which define what is and is not possible, and we, for the most part understand these things. If Superman picked up a mountain or an ice berg and held it up over his head... it would collapse under it's own weight and bury him under chunks of rock or ice - the material simply isn't strong enough to be lifted in that fashion.  In our world Superman would be limited the laws of nature.

If superman has super strength and laser vision you'd have to explain in a thermodynamically reasonable manner where the energy came from, how it was stored and produced. And how he avoided breaking his bones with his own strength. And these limitations would inevitably limit his abilities.

In Lismore the universe simply isn't specified with this degree of precision. If I write up a large flying animal such as a dragon, I am not required to specify the tensile strength of his wings, the energy requirement of flight, or the strength to weight ratio of his bones. These things are assumed. They're "magic." More or less.

With less intrinsic magic, or "spells" the problem is even worse, there is more or less no limit on our imaginations (beyond what Ash thinks is reasonable). There's no reason at all why I can't think up a spell that casts a fireball or a freezing ray or disintegration or throwing people backwards or forwards in time or space, and attempt to justify it. There's nothing that says "this kind of magic would work" while "this other kind obviously wouldn't."

Game designers and fantasists have long struggled with this question, and a lot of the time end up inventing systems or theories of magic, often quite elaborate ones. I liked Larry Niven's series "The Magic Goes Away" where excessive use of magic in a particular place would use up all the manna there and end up creating a magical dead zone, for instance.

Or Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time where males and females access completely different kinds of magical power, with different rules and spells and objects.

Or even Advanced Dungeons and Dragons which clearly lays out what a magic user can and cannot accomplish.

The point of an overall magical system is as much to limit and shape what magic can't do, as what it can. In the same way as laws of nature shape what we can and can't do in the real world.

Imagine if all magical power flowed from the Goddess, so if you used it to do anything she didn't like then there would be consequences... Bang! An instant shaping and limitation of magical ability based on one simple rule.

For the most part in my personal relationship with magic I like to think about a rule that I call Balance. Essentially, I think, magic is a force that seeks Balance. Hence magical excess of any kind in any direction must tend to correct itself over time.

It's a lot like Karma, hell, maybe it is Karma. I just tend to feel that magic should tend to seek a moral and physical balance with itself. Those who tend towards violence and oppression and subjugation through magic use will tend to find their own magic and actions coming back to oppose them.

Buddhist theory says that to oppose evil directly is to give it strength - a clear demonstration of Balance. Go off crusading and building and fighting and improving the universe and doing magical Good Good Good... and I think you find the evil and resistance to your efforts will increase in proportion, and the centre cannot hold, things fall apart.

In line with these ideas when I tend to think about magic I normally think of it as a power that must contain the elements of its own destruction. Its like a double edged sword - it cuts both ways. So its strength must also be its weakness.

Take... oh, for example, a magician with the ability to cast freezing spells. How can this ability to cause cold contain its own downfall "naturally" in a way that maintains Balance? Well, say with every cold spell some of the heat she nullifies is transferred back to her? So if she casts the spell too often she'll overheat, suffer from heat stroke, and maybe even cook herself. It's a spell which is self limiting by its own nature.

My attempts at magical design in Lismore have all been healers and psychics. But that doesn't rule out the principle of Balance, simply because they are doing things which are either non-physical, or "good." A simple application of Balance to a healer would be that they have to take some or all of the pain or disease or damage into their own body in order to heal. The idea I used was that if a healer can give out magical energy then it follows that this energy might be -taken.- The giving nature of their talent may make them vulnerable to magical vampires who drain the healer of their vitality in order to fuel their own spells. And it's almost a given that healers can't heal themselves...

With psychics the more or less traditional application of Balance is that seeing and knowing the unseen also makes you visible and known to the unseen world and it's denizens. To be psychic or clairvoyant or telepathic is to be vulnerable to haunting and posession and mind control and insanity.

In writing about Lismore and The Wilds I've often found I've had to gloss over or "forget" about certain instances of magic and magical characters which were just too big, too blatant, or just never did fit with any kind of continuity of story. I don't generally have a lot of truck with magic myself, and when I do it is generally some kind of an application of the Principle of Balance. Nothing is ever lost, what goes around comes around. To fight against someone is to strengthen them, to destroy them is to set them free. There is a Balance, and the more you try to grasp it and control it and bend it to your will the more it will control your destiny.

Stories / Re: Fawn: A Woman of the Deer People
« on: May 12, 2012, 02:53:47 am »
One day Radem came to me in an unusually glum mood. He wanted to talk about something, but it took a while to get it out of him: Lone had given him a knife and made him castrate the savage wolf he'd been given, and Radem felt bad about what he'd done. Not that he had any choice, as a slave, I pointed out, but Radem had been born free and he felt the responsibility of free action, even when his weren't.

The wolf didn't last much longer after that, maybe it died of it's wounds, or maybe Lone sold it or had it put away, I don't know. He'd broken his toy and now he didn't want to play with it any more. It's a shame to imprison wild things, wolves and deer are born to run, but to cut them so they can't run away is worse, and all you end up with is a twisted, bitter and broken thing that can never be wild or free again. And what do you gain from that?

Lone himself wasn't free, he was enslaved by his need to possess, owned by his possessions, because he could never let a single one go. He didn't last much longer after that, he overreached himself somehow and... the say Glassere killed him. I find that hard to believe: Glassere is a gentle soul, but that's what is said. They say Lone died by magic and it was terrible. I wasn't there, I only heard about it later, indeed it's not the kind of thing I wasn’t anything to do with. Whatever Lone did, in the end, must have been terrible for Glassere to do something like that, to pervert hi power... I, I, no, I still can't believe it.

Radem was taken by the city and sold to a trader female a feline, Svetlana, who had bought the inn from Svart. She quickly became a fixture around the town, Svetlana and her parcel of slaves, she had about three slave girls and Radem and soon acquired more. I mistrusted her on principle: slavers are not to be trusted, but she was kind to me, and kind to her girls, and after a while I started to feel a sneaking sense of liking for her.

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