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Messages - Jaecar Ulrik

Pages: [1] 2 3
Kun Qalasi / Re: Report: Lion Raider Attack in the Oasis
« on: August 12, 2021, 05:06:14 pm »
Report by Adion the Guard ((August 12th, '21)):
<Report is made with elegant but aggressively drawn handwriting>

Matoya and I were hunting prey near the oasis when a Lion raider emerged from a hidden sand trap and engaged us. The lion was large, heavily muscled, and of white and black fur, similar to the one from previous encounter. Lion attacked with two swords and seemed more knowledge in their use than one would expect of such creatures. Over 30 throwing knives were found on it's person.

During the fighting the Raider admitted to being under orders to stake an ambush at the oasis. He also seemed intent on capturing live prey. Although this is the second encounter here within recent times, it seems as if a larger plot is at play.

The raider was knocked unconscious during the fighting, bound and disarmed before help was retrieved from the other guards. He is currently in the prison cells awaiting interrogation or further actions.

Matoya and I both received injuries, nothing serious and no fatalities.

Life before Death - Adion

Kun Qalasi / Report: Lion Raider Attack in the Oasis
« on: August 06, 2021, 11:24:48 am »
Report by Adion the Guard ((August 6th, '21)):
<Report is made with aggressively drawn handwriting>

Tasked with escorting Merit, daughter of Senusnet during her daily tasks. Osman joined in this tasking of his own free will. Traveling to the oasis just outside the city for Lady Merit to record some information, we were attacked a by a lone lion Sand Raider. The lion was large, heavily muscled, and of white and black fur.

Attempt was made to dissuade raider from attacking, it failed. Osman engaged while I ensured Lady Merit was escorted to a safe and secure distance before moving to aid Osman and engage the Lion. Osman and I both obtained injuries during the fight, but dispatched the foe. Ensuring our charge was safe, I escorted her back while Osman ensured there were no others near by and dealt with the body.

From conversation during the fight it was ascertained that the lion was lying in wait for a lone fennec to arrive so he could ambush them.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to Lismore!
« on: July 08, 2021, 11:24:51 am »
<3 Been a long ride. Glad its still going.

Events / Re: Raid and Party! (The Renegades Strike!)
« on: August 25, 2016, 08:31:48 am »
I may be an hour late as well. I'll just be getting off work. I'll try to jump on mobile but not sure if I'll be able to.

Events / Re: Raid and Party! (The Renegades Strike!)
« on: August 22, 2016, 07:12:28 pm »
Lucient Xeontis will sign for the next raid. If I'm here and able to make it. Will just need to double check when we have a date.

Events / Re: Raid and Party! (The Renegades Strike!)
« on: August 12, 2016, 04:05:35 pm »
Amelia Zawahiri would sign to join the raid as well.

General Discussion / Re: The Absence Topic
« on: August 11, 2016, 08:58:45 am »
I have just recently returned from an extended break. Had alot of RL sorting out to do. However, I am back for a short while. Thats the good news, bad news I have until September 20th. After that I will be gone until roughly January. I've always hated that I can only pop in for a few months at a time but I intend to make the most of it this time.

ICly, Amelia left shortly before everything started happening. She went back to Egypt to visit her daughter and check on their nation and has now returned.

Feel free to ping me to rp. Like to do as much as I can before I have to leave again. Cheers.

General Discussion / Re: What Does The Fox Say?
« on: March 07, 2016, 07:55:27 pm »
Soooooooooo...........I know I can't be the only one to think this but I'll say it. You should totally pop a video in here of you playing it! Or like a sound file so we can hear you play atleast!  :D

General Discussion / Re: HI!
« on: March 07, 2016, 01:30:50 pm »
Hiyah ^-^

General Discussion / Re: What is your Throne?
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:33:20 pm »
Sheanna's would be a mix of living shrubberies, plants and trees formed elegantly into a soft comfortable chair. Her entire family's history would be carved into the bark.

Amelia's would be a Simple but elegant ebony thrown with gold trimmings. On the seat a carved picture of her mother and father would be there. On each arm would be a carving of one of the twins, Herself or Bella. Valentines valued family after. More or less.

Jae's would be elegant but stupidly simple. Around the base of the throne would be a circle of inscriptions. In Russian the inscriptions would translate to common as "Honor above cowardice, but intelligence over Stupidity. We give loyalty to the last, but not blindly so." The base would be made of a dark black stone, working it's way up with streaks of read metal in it that resemble veins creeping across the stone. The cushion in the seat would be a common seat that all could find anywhere. On the back rest would be a carving of two crossed katana's and a chain bracelet just above that. Below it would be the name "Ulrik" (Jae's last name) On left side of the crossed katana's would be the old phoenix emblem. On the right would be the old Cruentus emblem. Two sides of the same coin. Two parts to the same man.

Call to Roleplaying / Re: Sparring requests!
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:28:27 am »
I have Malum up for sparring if anyone wants to.

General Discussion / Re: The Absence Topic
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:20:07 pm »
My computer has decided that it doesn't want to run secondlife. On any viewers. So, after two days of trying to fix this I've given up for the moment.  I should be moving in a  few days as well. I know this topic is for the more important people in lismore (:P nova *cough* *cough*)  but figured I'd say it here anyways. Make me think I'm special right? haha. Anyways, I probably won't be able to be back on until perhaps next monday.

Events / Re: Coming back - what are you guys interested in?
« on: July 20, 2012, 06:17:26 pm »
Sorry to but in but i have some good news? Well....maybe news that will help. I'm finally back as well and can rp. Ani, this is mostly at you. We still have *top secret even though most people know* who could help spice up the rp. Considering it's been what, a year IC since he's disappeared? Sorry for that too by the way....Family matters and been out of area for a while.

General Discussion / Dis-a-poffin'
« on: June 11, 2012, 03:34:16 pm »
Hey, I apologize to those that I was rping with earlier this week. The company that provides internet for my town had some problem or something and my internet has been down and haywire the past few days. Not even sure if this will get through honestly...But yea. It seems to be clearing up now, the company assures us everything is under control. Would also like to apologize for anything bad, mean, rude or anything I've done. Been under alot of stress with living issues, family and such. Not to mention I just had the biggest pregnancy scare with my girlfriend. (It's ok though she just took a home test and she's clean. No baby Jae's running around) So yea....Wanted to apologize and just say I might not be able to rp much soon. Thanks for your patience....I'm going to shut up now....



General Discussion / Re: INVENTORY DISASTER!
« on: May 31, 2012, 07:06:37 pm »
*comes in with a battalion of Thread police.* This thread is violating the law of :getting off topic. You are all under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of internet flaming. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you at the cost of your families souls and lives. If you do not comply, I will rape all of you with Nyan cats. >:O  Minus Ashy of course. No ban hammer D:

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