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Messages - Arsen Graff

Pages: [1]
It would be interesting to split the Zenko into two sections... a School to learn Magic and the Military Wing of Lismore. This way we can train people without just giving them "books" to learn and give  people solid RP for Magic. And if they wanted to, without obligation, they can join the Military aspect of Lismore. The issue with the former Zenko, training was pretty much solo... That was rough on any new member because they were on their own without RP. That can be changed now.

General Discussion / Re: Lets count to a Googolplex
« on: July 15, 2011, 06:30:19 pm »

Name: Arsen Graff [IC: Arsen Delacroix]
Rank: Novice
Water/Ice Elementalist

Pages: [1]