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Messages - Grimno

Pages: [1]
Thieves Guild / Re: Thieves guild meeting - 13-15th July.
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:19:28 am »
Well here are the time I cannot make it based on SL time

Friday 8AM-11AM  (Work. Could also get called in later in the day)
Saturday - 11AM-5PM (Furmeet. Rest of the day would be free)
Sunday - Free All Day

I may be able to contribute to this ^^

I have 2 1st Act Werewolves (Male/Female) that I could use one of.
Also got some, armor, for them. Plus a massive cleaver (Think the one Pyramid Head uses from Silent Hill 2)
Though not sure how active I could be.
I got a new Graphics Card coming in Thursdayish and if it works right, i'll be addicted to The Secret World @_@

Phoenix / Re: Phoenix Rollcall 2.0
« on: June 22, 2012, 11:57:05 pm »
Lance Bozwell

Edit - And it's Ridmond, not Richmond XD

Pages: [1]