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Messages - Feame Yalin

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General Discussion / A proper farewell
« on: September 07, 2011, 10:04:07 pm »
Given situations as they are, I have found myself unable to further enjoy roleplaying in Lismore.  Mostly do to personal reasons.  Either way, though, I wished to ensure there was no question of the matter, and to minimize people asking where I'm at.  As well as Erick.

To offer an ending to explain our character's vanishing, Erick and I have come up with what would be the most likely, and fitting, excuse for our characters' disappearance.

Feame Rose would have Left word for Relina to take care of the Zenko.  but in truth, that's up to you guys what ends up going on there.  But Simply saying that matters here have gone beyond what he is capable of handling, and with the death of his father, or assumed death, has taken Starfire with him to continue their training elsewhere, away from the pains of the past.  During their trip to the boat to leave the island, Running into one of my other characters.  Scales.  Feame and Scales are old friends, so of course they decide to catch up, As scales finds the island not to his educational interests.

Tumble and Perrin, with the chaos of late, and Tumble's near-death experience, would leave the island in search of a more peaceful land to try to rebuild the tribe, and find a place they can call home.

Brian Adrik, and Regil, both are effectivly non-existant.  Regil dieing in his sleep...go figure.  heart attack or something.  And Brian going to the forest, and never heard from again.  Presumed to have been caught by one of the criminals of the forest, or a wild animal.

'The shadow'....Well, that's up to Asha and the rest of them if they will agree to this.  But since I am doing a bit of a story-arc/novel on shadow and Feame's life, I'm going to be keeping it record as Shadow gets away by some conveluted escape plan, so that I can continue the story.  what happens ICly...well, that's not really anything that matters anymore, to me.  But that's how I'm going to put it.  Like I say, what happens ICly as far as Lismore is concerned is up to the city guards and whatnot.

Voldesh was last seen several months ago headed into the forest for a hunt.  I planned to do something with that, but I'm just gonna say he never is seen again.  Assumed either dead, or ran off the island, or whatever you want to make of it.  Either way, the wanna-be temple scout no longer exists.

Dev, being a trade merchant, and ever so proud to announce it to the world, has already been outed multiple times by almost half of lismore to actually be the Shadow.  So, of course, no point thinking up any brilliant excuse to hide that.  Not like it's not common knowledge these days.

With that, I am sorry that it came to this, but I'm afraid I must bid  you all good-bye.  I will be on SL from time to time, I'm sure, as I do still have a lot of cool stuff I like on my account.  And you can contact me on my SL account, or on Skype if you have my Skype.  I'll be in touch, and will miss you all.

General Discussion / Re: Post Your Character Theme Songs!
« on: September 05, 2011, 11:06:00 am »
Feame :
Citizen Soldier

Tumble :
Only something as random as Inspector Bonk fits him XD

'The Shadow' :
Tough call.  somewhere between these 3
Distubed : INside the fire
When your evil :
Blind [You decide which of the two rogues is Shadow]

Gordious 'Scales' Scalepealer :
Currently no song made, to my knowledge, to properly express him.  Open to suggestions, once I have had time to expose him to Lismore.

General Discussion / appologies and explinations
« on: September 02, 2011, 09:10:02 am »
OK, I realize I haven't exactly been around a lot in Lismore, despite that I have one of my characters currently playing an important role in the Zenko.  And likely have a few people seeking him....Though, nobody has directly told me their character if ICly looking for him.  but not the first time I've bumped into someone looking for him.

Anyways, the reason behind that, as many may or may not know, is with a recent relocation, I've been trying to focus on getting work, first.  Job first, pleasure later.  But if anyone needs me in sim just send me a message on here and I'll get back to you.

that said, I apologize for any inconvenience on anyone's part that is caused by the inability to get a hold of me.  This will, hopefully, be a short term problem.  but I will be working to make time to be online more often.

Name: Tumble
Species: Otter
Rank: New Novice

Joined in interest of the safety of himself and his brother.  The added option to learn magic being more readily available being just a bonus.

General Discussion / Re: The most touching videos on the internet!
« on: August 23, 2011, 07:14:48 am »
Sorrow, a friendship's turn for the worst.

The Jail / Kata Jailed for Assault
« on: August 15, 2011, 10:09:37 pm »

Kata has been brought in by Feame Rose, Zenko Inquisitor, after having been informed by Asha herself that he is wanted for hostility against some of the city guards.  His term to be served is pending proper finalization by the city guard.  Kata came quietly, and subjected himself to a search at the hands of the Inquisitor.  He has agreed, under the understanding his cooperation is at the will of the missing Zenko Lord, seeing them as Jesk's 'final wishes', to comply.  Feame, himself, has said it unlikely to find him to be any trouble. 

General Discussion / Re: Multiple Author Story
« on: August 15, 2011, 12:59:07 pm »
who loved cupcakes

Lismore Institute of Arcane Arts (former Zenko) / Re: Zenko IC Chatter
« on: August 12, 2011, 10:24:40 am »
'ok, I think things are getting a little wierd, now....'

"...This should be good.  What, now?"

'Get this, I heard Sir Rose is getting involved with city business.'

"It seems he wants to be called by his first name.  Feame.  And what are you rambling about?"

'Julian.  The guy with the large bounty?  He's been slipping out of Zenko at all hours of the morning, and night....I hear he's been trying to find the guy.  find out where he's hiding, or maybe find out who he's got captive....ya know...if they're still alive.'

"...OK, he don't talk to us much, but even I know that's just crazy talk.  The guy wouldn't get involved with something that doesn't effect the Zenko.  I mean, he's always preaching about 'The Zenko is my first priority' and all....why would he want anything to do with this mess?  From the rumors alone, I don't want to have anything to do with it...."

'Yea....but it's not the first time he's gotten involved.  like the jail break a long time ago?  And the the fight that had that guy put away, even before that?  Back when he first showed up?  It's been a long time since he's done that kind of thing....Maybe he's getting restless.'

"Restless...yea....we're talking about a guy who goes to the forest so he don't hurt anyone while training.  A guy who's so tough, newcommers are getting his signature by trying to land a single effective hit on him.  And there's already been a few walk away after giving up.  I think his training keeps him busy enough..."

'....If you say so.  Still, Think about it....everyone is scared of that Julian guy....and Feame is one of the toughest guys around....Sure he gets beat up a lot by some of our better fighters....but he's also the sort that don't know when to give up.  Maybe I'm wrong, but seeing those two go at it....would be fun, right?'

"Yea, and if he got himself killed, Jesk would be pissed.  Not to mention everyone else who keeps following him around."

'I know....still....we haven't seen any real action in ages.  I like to think about this kind of thing.'

"Think about your job, and worry about keeping an eye out for trouble....daydreamer...."


News / Re: Playing in Events
« on: August 05, 2011, 08:24:24 pm »
I'm with Jesk.

when the players are unable to phase anything, it does not make it 'more fun' because things went as planned.  Everyone I've ever met likes to feel like they have an influince.  Some insist on being the 'star of the show', and those are the sort I think should be put down.  But others, like myself, more just want to know that if we ended up getting involved, that we changed /something/.

Maybe spare the life of someone trying to be killed, run off a baddie, even put them behind bars.  Maybe it don't have to go to too big an extreme, but I think it's more fun when the player has some kind of impact.  When we do something and 'it does nothing'....literally...we feel discouraged, and uninterested in even continuing. 

I dunno, never run an event, or even really had the option, but that's just my opinion.  as one sided as it may be.

General Discussion / Re: Lets count to a Googolplex
« on: August 05, 2011, 10:21:40 am »

General Discussion / Re: Housemove
« on: August 03, 2011, 05:45:28 pm »
No worries, Xela.  ^_^ Ya know we're always here for you.

Call to Roleplaying / Re: What's required for a successful faction?
« on: August 02, 2011, 10:15:29 pm »
OK, first off, I'd like to apologize.  I got a little carried away there, and I admit I went a bit far.  Still think I had some valid points, but I'm not beyond admitting I got a little carried away and crossed the line.  So, to anyone bothered by it, I'm sorry.

And the point made by Husky, I never said someone 'couldn't' do something.  While I admit I was more than improperly harsh about how I said my pointers, I didn't say they 'couldn't'.  I just say I don't approve, and my personal feelings on the matter.  That said, don't worry....i'll be backing down.  I think my point was made very clear on my opinions.

....besides, a friend made me realize that my personal views may have been having an effect on my personal Roleplaying experience.  It's bad when I'm starting to mess up my own RP's with my biases.

Call to Roleplaying / Re: What's required for a successful faction?
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:08:26 pm »
Well, Ursa, I admit I personally am against only sex as an RP, but I have my reasons.  While I do not have place to say someone can't do it, I've yet seen a valid reason to do so.

Mainly because I've RP'd most my life.  And the way I figure it, if you only want sex....well, go to a website devoted to it.  Sex is a lagit part of RP in a world like this one, but there are many whom just long on, have sex, log out.  Or worse, Log on when they know someone is seeking them for lagit reasons, and say screw any plans, because someone IM'd them saying they want sex.  This, in my opinion, is bad.  And nobody whom acts like this needs be put in any position of importance, ever.  Because if all they want is sex, let them have sex, away from those of us who want lagit RP.  I enjoy the things people take for granted.  The chatting in the temple, having a drink in the inn, and training and sparring at the Zenko.  RPing out rituals and things of the like.  The simple, fun, pg roleplaying.  Yes, I like the sexual aspect, and thus why I choose an RP like Lismore to RP in, but too many people [and 9/10 times it's the ones I complain about] have sex as a primary interest, and nothing else.  And oftentimes get pissy when it's responded to negotivly.  Especially oen person whom I will not name whom approached me ICly on my knight.  Basically blatently saying 'hi, we just met, and don't know eachother's names, but you want to have sex?', and then got pissy because my character, despite OOC interest due to the fact that particular character was playing on several of my kinks, told them to basically go screw themselves.  Come back when they are done being a prostitute.  THIS is what I have a problem with.  Sex?  yes, go for it, great idea.  Nothing but sex?  Yea, there are websites for that.  Let those of us who enjoy honest RP enjoy honest RP without you people taking the fun out of RP by just blatently trying to bone anything and anyone that moves [and, sometimes, things that don't.  Not the first time I've seen someone grinding their groin against the great tree.]. 

sorry, got on a tangent there, but I hope my point is clear.  It's not that I'm against sex, or even frequent sex.  I'm against doing nothing BUT sex.  Because we have enough slutty folks in Lismore whom you could sleep with just by walking up to and groping, we don't need more.  Less any concept of RP is burried under people seeing the sim, or any concept of RP, as a glorified sex sim.

Call to Roleplaying / Re: What's required for a successful faction?
« on: August 02, 2011, 11:07:45 am »
I know, Xela.  time is not a problem for me, though, as I have all the time in the world for this.  But it may take a little more effort as my actions are targetted to revive a dead faction.  Like it or not, folks, far as it matters, the otter tribe may as well be dead, due to lack of active players, and the leaders beyond contact.

Call to Roleplaying / Re: I want YOU! (Event recruiting!)
« on: August 02, 2011, 11:05:53 am »
Pending me able to get the card the way I like it, and have said character approved, I will volunteer my newest character in Lismore, Gordious Scalepeeler.  AKA: Scales.  Experienced alchemist, scholar, and bookworm all around.  Neutral alligned, good natured. 

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