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Messages - Kel

Pages: [1]
1 <- Translator

Actually you have a point ^^'

A small note has been pinned under the message, probably in response:

"Si tepoha vi suggestion shafaer wer tokeq goawy.
Si ornla hefoc ekess ukris zahae wer tiamo selgtarn karifilt."

it is signed with "Keldrahir"

"I have a suggestion on the safe place.
I would like to talk about the whole matter further."

General Discussion / Re: The Financial Crisis and Us
« on: March 28, 2012, 12:52:22 pm »
Sadly, I had seen allready 3 rp sim first cutting back to something similar as Plan B and then completly die out in population.
On the otherside, I and some friends, had a rp place on a small parcel running for some time, with rather high atmosphere, but tight knitted community and much of coordinated rp events. Once those became less frequent, because a plot line ended, the motivation went down rather fast.

I would rather prefer a "whole" sim.
Though, if it comes to Plan B, I might be able to help out with a small place, to some degree. (How dubious that ever might sound from someone who made his first post in the forum with this ^^')

Pages: [1]