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Messages - Drubunneh

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General Discussion / Re: Random Bunny Updates
« on: April 17, 2018, 10:07:17 am »
Was it in Goldshire? :P jk! Happy to hear things are looking up for you, Bunny <3 All the best for your future, and we d still like to see you in SL sometimes!

Haha no not Goldshire. That place is scary! Like walking into a bad and very rapey neighbourhood

General Discussion / Re: Random Bunny Updates
« on: April 11, 2018, 01:44:17 am »
So it's been ages since I've been online!
I've been playing WoW again on an RP server
I've also met someone very special on WoW who I am getting very close to, we may even meet in RL in the next few months

I'm not sure what the future holds at the moment and sorry for those I am leaving in limbo story wise at the moment. I am not even sure if I'll be returning to SL right now

Love you all

General Discussion / Re: Random Bunny Updates
« on: March 09, 2018, 05:24:44 pm »
Today I remind myself never to ever EVER care about anyone more than as a friend EVER. They only hurt you or just ignore you.

Life hit me for a loop again. I might not be on for a while at all. I'm not sure I can cope. I want someone in life and get absolutely trashed again like I'm nothing.

General Discussion / Re: What Does The Fox Say?
« on: December 23, 2017, 09:17:10 am »
So sorry you lost a great man hon

I know the feels

My grandfather was the best, always happy so long his grandchildren were happy. He took us to great places and told us we were amazing and always greeted us with an enthusiastic "Wotcha!"

much love hon

Events / Re: Two First Kingdom Events!
« on: November 14, 2017, 01:31:24 pm »
Sadly these times get too late for me. I'd need to leave half way through at best

General Discussion / Re: Random Bunny Updates
« on: September 25, 2017, 02:39:34 pm »
So for anyone interested I have started a distance learning course (Though it is a University course so yay!) so am going to be pretty darn busy over the next year but will be a qualified Hearing Care Assistant by the end of it
Lots about ears and hearing loss and hearing aids which for me is interesting but I have no doubt will bore the pants of most people.

Tonight's lesson was.....learning how to log into their web portal to actually start anything! Which took a good length of time until I found they had given me the wrong login information. Adjusted it myself and finally got access. I take this as their first test of my ability to solve problems or something. Regardless I managed and can now actually start to learn...tomorrow!

I might keep things updated on here just so you know I'm still an alive bun bun

*Hugs to all*

General Discussion / Re: Nova's Random Stuff.
« on: July 20, 2017, 09:51:44 am »
This is so cool hon!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to Lismore!
« on: July 03, 2017, 10:43:58 am »
Happy to be a part of it for well over half that time..or 3/4 of that time I can't even remember!

General Discussion / Re: Random Bunny Updates
« on: June 07, 2017, 04:35:12 am »
Ooh ooh internet appears! Not the best connection in the world but it seems to be working so far. Which means a bunny shall appear once she has finished RL work!

General Discussion / Re: Random Bunny Updates
« on: May 27, 2017, 06:49:45 am »
Okay so I'm all moved and set up most of my fun geeky collection on display. Internet has been delayed sadly but should be all in around the 7th of June. As soon as I'm online expect a lot more bunny!

General Discussion / Re: Random Bunny Updates
« on: April 27, 2017, 11:04:05 am »
My tenancy agreement was signed today by everyone so this move is officially going ahead! Soon to have my own space to do what I want. Just got to get superfast broadband and i am all set to RP a lot more :-D

General Discussion / Re: Random Bunny Updates
« on: April 14, 2017, 01:47:52 am »
So the first attempt at moving went....well it didn't go at all

Second attempt now activated! So should be moving in about 5 weeks if all goes well!

General Discussion / Random Bunny Updates
« on: March 25, 2017, 02:44:15 am »
I may do more updates than this but it felt right to at least post this to all my friends here:

I've been absent from Lismore (duh) which has mostly been because anyone can walk into my room at the moment and see what I'm doing and I would rather not have that judgement. Couple this with some other issues in life and the apparent fact that my PC disturbs people in the next room I just have not been able to devote any time to Lismore

However, I move in a couple of weeks to my own place. A massive (but good) step for me which hopefully should mean I can return to Lismore on a more regular basis and get
back into RP with you all. I've missed Lismore and those who play there's lot honestly so it will be good to join in once more

Much love to you all


General Discussion / Re: Autographs Collection - Nostalgia Critic
« on: August 13, 2016, 05:50:32 am »
It had been a long time since I got any autographs, but today I got two from the Nostalgia Critic (Doug Walker) and crew! Yay!

So cool!

Also I looked up through some of your other posts on here. I never knew the foxy was so gorgeous!

Lismorean Guard / Drucilla Fu Sheng, Retirement
« on: July 10, 2016, 06:46:28 am »
Drucilla Fu Sheng has now officially retired from being both guard Captain and a member of law enforcement

Miriamella Solis is now Guard Captain and should be given all the respect such a title deserves

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