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Messages - MysticLancer

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Events / Re: World of Fog
« on: August 15, 2021, 10:11:37 am »
Report: Ricardo Solis 8/13/21
Subject: Corrupted Griffon
Note: Twilus' trap worked rather well in catching the griffin but it required my help and the help of another mage to bring him down. I've been wounded by his horn but I will be ok.

Events / Re: World of Fog
« on: August 06, 2021, 02:12:06 pm »
Report 8/5/21 (will arrive later due to Kain's condition) Kain Harem

Guard report: Investigated the tendrils again near the entrance to new eden.. This time it seemed more active... The fog that seeped from it had a chilling feel of a thousand little freezing hands pulling at my feet. Bryce and I ventured further in and the fog rose above our heads and that same chilling feeling was there.. I could see faces in the fog that were whispering for me to just give in and all suffering would end well ive got a wife and family to return to so no way i'd ever listen to that. I used a wind spell to force the fog away after I felt a tentacle on my foot and heard a hideous voice, only for my blade to hit the carpace of what looked oddly like a bug creature similar to those that the renegades have yet it looked more alien. This creature definitely didnt seem to be made from the fog but it seemed like it was teleported here by it. The creature had around 4 arm claws, one of them struck me in the shoulder and dug rather deep, im lucky Bryce and a cheetah woman were there because I could barely handle it after the initial moment of surprise where the creature was right in my face. It had a hardened carpace and still bled greenish blood which might be unusual for something that came out of the fog. Both Bryce and the cheetah woman weakened the creature to the point I could use a wind spell to propel myself and knock the creature over the ledge. Unfortunately I will be incapacitated for a while.

The Jail / Arrested: Lucient (and NPC dock worker) 8/4/21
« on: August 05, 2021, 05:26:13 am »
Subject: Lucient and dock worker (NPC)
Arresting Guard: Kain Harem
Location of arrest: Rabbit Hole Inn
Charges: Lucient: Destruction of property, disorderly conduct, assault, resisting arrest. Dock Worker: disorderly conduct, assault
Sentencing: pending
Bail: Lucient: paid 8/5/21 (dock worker has not posted bail)

Details: Lucient was found heavily drunk in the rabbit hole inn fighting a dock worker and others. He threw one man through a window and choked the dock worker before slamming him to the ground. I tried to get him to comply peacefully but he was too impaired to listen and fought back. I have sustained injuries but i will not be personally pressing charges for it. I leave the sentencing up to the emperor or empress

-Guard Lieutenant, Kain Harem.

Events / Re: World of Fog
« on: August 04, 2021, 04:57:50 am »
report 8/3/21 Kain Harem

A tentacle appeared at the entrance of new eden near the workshop market district. Alvin Kouski was spotted by a creature named Terra being grabbed by the tentacle and slammed on the ground. Alvin sustained damage to his chin, chest and nose from this incident. He was freed by Terra but was attacked by a corrupted griffin and sustained serious scratch wounds to his back. I managed to chase off the griffin with Terra's help but was unable to capture.

I will be sending out a patrol later today.

Lismorean Guard / Missing Person Report
« on: July 21, 2021, 08:58:40 pm »
Name: Rena Rose
Filed by: Jameela Harem
Last known location: Likely the apartments.
Posted by: Kain Harem
Notes: Rena rose is a black and white manabeast wolf, Maeve/Lucrecia's daughter and Cecil's sister. She is blind and will need considerable effort to rescue. Note from Kain Harem: I would advise the guard make an effort to search Lismore and the connecting lands for her when we are able to.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to Lismore!
« on: July 01, 2021, 08:24:43 pm »
Guess what time of the year it is!

It's Lismore's 13th birthday! Woohoo!

Not bad for a place that runs on a shoestring budget and kicks out troublemakers (which let's be honest make up most of the population) at the rates we do!  ;)

So to all those who have been with us, for however long they have been, I thank you all for your company and friendship and for the RPs we've had so far!

Happy 13th birthday, Lismore!

Wowo 13 years. Thats amazing <3.

Events / Re: The Coronation of Ariel Fu Sheng
« on: December 03, 2020, 01:33:08 pm »
Relina Harem will be attending and my other chars likely would though ill be playing Sharae Silvermoon

Lismorean Guard / Guard Report
« on: September 14, 2020, 01:40:32 pm »
Lt. Kain Harem.
There was a disturbance at the academy that i investigated after being called. I took a group of guards to the academy and I found my niece, Farasha on the ground with two blackboards on top of her. She was unconscious but alive so I quickly rushed upstairs only to find a smaller fennec going after Padma, a taller fennec who admitted to harming Farasha, and a fox who was aiding the others. The smaller fennec broke the windows of the academy with a book though he was thrown out of the window by a spell. A qualasian fennec was there to fight off the attackers but the situation had ended before he could do much. Padma escaped through the window of the academy and ran off, using a spell to knock another guard out of the way. I followed Padma to an aisleway where he was hiding and tried to talk him down but he was not cooperative. In the end, I had nothing to arrest Padma for so I let him go to the temple.

Events / Re: The Ironblood Arena
« on: January 14, 2020, 02:36:35 pm »
I would like to sign up Relina Harem, Kain Harem, Carina Elmzwar, and Belia Harem

Oh also Sharae Silvermoon

News / Re: Brutal winter storm!
« on: December 03, 2019, 10:41:32 am »
Also i would like to add the Kouski diner will be open for those who need shelter.

News / Re: Obituary notice
« on: October 01, 2019, 05:21:39 am »
Bamika was such a sweet person. I missed her. Rest in peace.

Events / Re: Proposed Ideas and Attempts for the New Magical Project!
« on: April 24, 2019, 05:46:16 pm »
Proposed Method: Storing lightning from natural storms

Proposer/Inventor: Bellatrix Valiant and Vheljen Valentine

Description of Method: This could be a modification or addition to the lightning generator. Natural storms produce some of the most powerful lightning strikes. With the proper rods to catch them, I would be able to channel the energy into the devices to store it and use glass to contain it. Once the lightning is stored, it can power the barrier for a very long time. Bellatrix can divert lightning strikes if needed. This could also be a standalone project ((I like this since it wont require us to push the technological limitations of Lismore so far.))

Drawbacks: would need storms to occur, even weaker ones. Strong lightning strikes can overwhelm most storage methods even though with some work, storage can be maintained.

Visuals of the proposed method/device: (no visuals)

Testing: The rods were placed through jar like glass containers of varying thickness and crystals were placed within the glass containers. First container held at around 25% of my own lightning spell but broke at around 60%, second held at a bit higher, but I overcharged the crystal, Third held both in the crystal and the container  at 100% of my power but the weather has not provided a chance to test for natural lightning.

The first 3 for testing in a thunderstorm yielded 2 overloaded crystals which exploded, but the last one I was able to get the parameters right to contain a single lightning bolt, though that required a very strong crystal and a much larger glass containment. I was finally able to contain a natural lightning strike after many trials.

Events / Re: Ascari's Coronation
« on: September 17, 2018, 12:13:14 pm »

Events / Re: Ascari's Coronation
« on: September 14, 2018, 05:56:36 am »
I can make that

Events / Re: Ascari's Coronation
« on: September 09, 2018, 05:43:43 am »
Ill be out of town this week so i cant commit til next sunday

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