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Messages - Quintus

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Events / Re: Raid and Party! (The Renegades Strike!)
« on: August 15, 2016, 09:18:55 am »
Jono Jin'zhu would sign up for a raid.

Lismore City / Re: City News
« on: July 11, 2016, 12:59:24 pm »
An unknown perpetrator who masked his scent in mud and grime, presumably from the forest of the former temple has hung notices across public places.

The perpetrator is yet to be found, but the notes read the following:
"Is the war with the First Kingdom punishment of the gods for the sinful ways of our realm? Punishment for the moral decline in the house and family of our seemingly benevolent rulers?

It is time to open our eyes, to see that our realm is ruled by a decadent despot, who has fallen so far from grace that there is truly no difference between him and the former demonic usurpers anymore.

The proof is right in front of our eyes! Two princes walk these streets, two princes that were NOT born out of the holy matrimony between the emperor and his wife.

Princess Yuna, reduced to a simple whore for her father. Her sons, Prince Terian Fu Sheng and Prince Thian Fu Sheng... sired by the Emperor in an act of carnal lust and debauchery!

How long before the gods decide to turn their back on our fair realm? How long before the decadence and immorality of our rulers spell ruin for all of us? Maybe it is time to start asking questions. Maybe it is time to rise..."

Between the Arena, the tavern and going as far as the fennecia and the common district, those notes seem to be placed with great care to not leave  hints of the perpetrator..

The Temple / Re: Shrines of the Temple
« on: August 26, 2015, 04:40:53 pm »
Araia's Shrine

Quick Rundown

  • Araia is a godess of Velidére, she represents the radiance of the holy light, justice, and mercy.
  • Her followers follow usually either path, justice or mercy. Few follow both at once.
    Her light shines warmly in some dotted parts of the temple islands, but encompasses her shrine.
  • Araia is a 'young' godess, her influence and ability usually encompasses visual display of power.
    Araia often takes the time to manifest her voice to her followers at her shrine, either praising or scolding them.

OOC Rules and Effects

  • The shrine's proximity feels warm and often protective to those with good intend when approaching the shrine.
    It feels unwelcoming and seldomly painful to those with bad intentions.
  • Those of genuinely evil heart will feel pain when approaching Araia's shrine.
  • Araia's voice may sound soothingly from her statue when she feels the desire to speak to her followers.
    Araia may give tasks to her followers, or send out mercy missions to spread her name while aiding others.
  • Anyone can follow Araia's faith to achieve radiance! Everybody can transcend what they were born as!
  • Araia's light can be wielded by demons and undead alike, if their faith is strong enough.
  • Araia's light does not harm demons with a good heart.
    Long term disciples of Araia with demonic energies, or otherwise tainted bodies, may find their taint cured and removed.
    Demonic long term disciples may find their demonic energies waning, or even completely purged and bathed with the light. Though that is up to the discretion of the player.
  • Zathiel usually can be found near the shrine, he tends to it and has taken the role as priest of Araia's faith in Lismore.
    Zathiel can be approached for questions and requests.

Lismorean Guard / Re: The Front Lines
« on: August 20, 2015, 08:05:44 pm »

The whereabouts of guard Jo'al Athiri
Of course, as war progresses, a being made for war will heed the call to protect their homeland!
Jo'al is of course right at the front, battling demons and undertaking missions in the protection of Lismore!

He'll fight valiantly (until somebody invents spray guns or brings sufficient buckets of water).

Jo'al will be mostly unavailable for the time being as war rages for that reason, only coming by on brief visits for his loved ones.

Events / Re: The War Council
« on: August 07, 2015, 12:21:13 pm »

My character Zathiel Adai, a holy character of maybe above average experience level seeks to join an assault on one of the fortresses! He's a combat character!

Jo'al would join a normal combat OP if available. He wouldn't have the endurance for a fortress assault, likely.

Hope my interest spurs some more war in the war! ;)

General Discussion / Re: Character Lookup!
« on: July 30, 2015, 02:37:10 pm »
Time I do one of these.. Here's my character's so far:

Account: Quintus Janic

Nuri Ki: Anuris Alris in mortal life, resurrected as Nuathi Valari (Infused Spirit) from the lands of Velidére. Either a serval or black fox, distinct blue glowing eyes, a rune on the forehead and runes dragging over his body. He currently is in services of Ausar Valiant, usually strolls the temple. And usually without clothes.

Jo'al Athiri: Johnathan Alris in mortal life, resurrected as Nuathi Valari (Infused Spirit) from the lands of Velidére. Orange glowing eyes and a similar glowing rune on the forehead. Usually seen as black and white-greyish fox, sometimes as a white grey and blackish feline with the same glowing eyes. He's become a guardsman and prides himself in protecting Lismore.

Zathiel Adai: Zulanth of Ramiel the second in his mortal life, resurrected as Nuathi Valari (Infused Spirit) from the lands of Velidére.. He has snow white fur, glowing hair and golden glowing eyes with a rune on his forehead and nose. His body is covered in golden runes, though he usually is clad in intricate armor with a white cloak. He wields a large spear on his back. He has no affiliation as of yet, but may inherit his work as agent to his godess Araia to spread his religion to the lands of Lismore!
UPDATE: Zathiel has ascended to become the angel Azathiel, in ever-vigilant service of the goddess Araia, he spreads her faith and lives to serve and protect the lands of Lismore.

Account: Synris Resident

Azun'el: Corin Av'al in his mortal life, transcended death to become a Nuathi Valari after unlocking the secrets of making them. He has infused himself with the void and goes as a sleek canine with a purple rune on the side of his snout and on his forehead. His eyes are deep purple glowing and he gives off a creepy menacing aura.He currently resides at the Valiant Estate and enjoys the hospitality of Lord Ausar.

Hope it helps.. my character variety is .. lacking as of yet.. but here it is!

Events / Re: The War Council
« on: July 01, 2015, 12:51:18 am »
   My character Jo'al would be interested in partaking in missions:
     "Mission #2: A group of three combat characters are requested to attack an enemy outpost which contains a vital object that will prevent Doncoutle from forcing closed any portals Lismore chooses to use to enter his domain."
   "Mission #3: A group of two combat and one stealth characters are requested to assassinate an important enemy "
  "Mission #5: Abbadon will lead two combat characters to an enemy laboratory in the oldworld in seize and/or destroy all materials related to the artifact that the enemy possesses at that location."

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