« on: July 30, 2015, 02:37:10 pm »
Time I do one of these.. Here's my character's so far:
Account: Quintus Janic
Nuri Ki: Anuris Alris in mortal life, resurrected as Nuathi Valari (Infused Spirit) from the lands of Velidére. Either a serval or black fox, distinct blue glowing eyes, a rune on the forehead and runes dragging over his body. He currently is in services of Ausar Valiant, usually strolls the temple. And usually without clothes.
Jo'al Athiri: Johnathan Alris in mortal life, resurrected as Nuathi Valari (Infused Spirit) from the lands of Velidére. Orange glowing eyes and a similar glowing rune on the forehead. Usually seen as black and white-greyish fox, sometimes as a white grey and blackish feline with the same glowing eyes. He's become a guardsman and prides himself in protecting Lismore.
Zathiel Adai: Zulanth of Ramiel the second in his mortal life, resurrected as Nuathi Valari (Infused Spirit) from the lands of Velidére.. He has snow white fur, glowing hair and golden glowing eyes with a rune on his forehead and nose. His body is covered in golden runes, though he usually is clad in intricate armor with a white cloak. He wields a large spear on his back. He has no affiliation as of yet, but may inherit his work as agent to his godess Araia to spread his religion to the lands of Lismore!
UPDATE: Zathiel has ascended to become the angel Azathiel, in ever-vigilant service of the goddess Araia, he spreads her faith and lives to serve and protect the lands of Lismore.
Account: Synris Resident
Azun'el: Corin Av'al in his mortal life, transcended death to become a Nuathi Valari after unlocking the secrets of making them. He has infused himself with the void and goes as a sleek canine with a purple rune on the side of his snout and on his forehead. His eyes are deep purple glowing and he gives off a creepy menacing aura.He currently resides at the Valiant Estate and enjoys the hospitality of Lord Ausar.
Hope it helps.. my character variety is .. lacking as of yet.. but here it is!