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Messages - Felaeris

Pages: [1]
Call to Roleplaying / Re: Baths: New manager needed!
« on: December 24, 2013, 02:49:14 am »
I wish to express an interest for the position on a new character TBD.

General Discussion / Re: What is your Throne?
« on: December 17, 2013, 01:40:31 pm »
Ciran's would be a perfectly mundane chair with a padded back rest. Or something made of Oak. Bahamut might encourage nobility, but he discourages greed and hoarding--an opposite approach to Tiamat's avarice.

But Stranger's....

Stranger would have had a living throne made of hot bitches (all genders including those in between) that writhed upon a  garishly ornate, golden, and circular mattress backed by millions of pillows. They wouldn't hold him at eye level, either, they'd be forced to pyramid him on high so he could look down at people. They'd work his junk and bath his body in the finest oils as he wore a similar robe made lavishly of either precious metals/minerals or some fine silk he viewed so disposable he'd get it replaced rather than cleaned. Suck it bitches. Awwww yeah.

Events / Re: Rise of the Winter-White Guardians!
« on: December 10, 2013, 04:09:44 pm »
Have no life. Pick a day/time and I'll be there.

Stories / Re: Edhel's Fate
« on: December 08, 2013, 05:46:14 pm »
I'm with Caex on this. Edhel might think he's in a position to escape, but... it's a house of cards. Even if Fang is at the top once she tumbles the whole thing is coming down. It was a crude gamble with too many 'assumptions' and weak plot points. What should have been clever deceit has been pretty transparent the whole time. There might not even be a House Valentine after this is over.

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