« on: September 10, 2021, 02:55:56 pm »
The Expedition sent out from Kun Qalasi to explore the ruins of an ancient site allegedly connected to the ancestors of the fennecs has successfully returned after several days out in the desert. This is the summary of the report, Overseer Rami submitted to the authorities (aka Vepar and Senusnet);
Notable members of the expedition team:
The bothers Sefu and Adion, Vepar's son Sebek and guardsman Osman, Overseer Rami and a few of his men, Sha'Re and the Anubian scholar Kan-Ta Sil'Dur
Notable events:
The rumors about a roaming Minotaur turned out to be true. When the beast realized it had been engaged by Qalasians, it flew into a rage and had to be killed before it was able to hurt or even kill members of the expedition force. During the fight the giant beetle mount, bred and trained by the Caravanserai and Nebt-Het, also turned out to be a formidable fighter who almost took down the minotaur by itself, while being directed and ridden by Osman, who also seemed to bond deeply with the animal. This led to Rami gifting the beetle mount to the Qalasian guard, and it now is being discussed to introduce a beetle rider unit into the Qalasian army.
The Pyramid of the Ancients seemed to have been dedicated to Ra and Sekhmet, as well as some ancestor hero referred to as "The Savior". During the investigation of the abandoned tunnels and halls of the complex, Adion and Sefu managed to get hurt, albeit not severely. There was also a camp of another group of explorers, most likely tomb robbers, who had been in the pyramid before but got trapped inside by the heka powered barriers. They perished inside, and were given the last rites.
Acquisitions: Inscriptions on walls and coffins, mostly dedicated to that savior put to rest inside the upper chamber of the pyramid. A strange metal that seems related to a tablet with instructions about how to work that metal, which might have fallen from the sky and is assumed to be meteorite. There was also a fire orb that probably powered the barriers inside the pyramid and was charged by the golden capstone of the pyramid. The capstone is still there, but covered to disable the barriers. Both tablet and fire orb are currently kept securely in the Caravanserai.
There is still more that could be taken from that site, so for now the camp is maintained near the base of the pyramid.
Overseer Rami of the Kun Qalasi Caravanserai