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Messages - Kawadias

Pages: [1]
Call to Roleplaying / Slave Capture/Training Scenes!
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:15:12 am »
  So there's a new slaver in town! ...well, not in town, but in the sim! And he wants your business!  ;)

  The idea is to take advantage of the "run your own scenes" concept (as described here ), to have people who enjoy capture/enslavement scenes to play them without compromizing their actual main characters with traumatic events or permanent situations.

  For example, Person X likes the idea of playing a character that's captured and enslaved, but Person X doesn't want to have his beloved carded character become a slave, they want to do it just once to enjoy the scene, and then move on. So Person X contacts our local slaver and says "hey I'd like to play a capture/enslavement scene!". We then arrange the OOC details of how it would go, and then go IC, me with my slaver character, Person X with their NPC to-be-enslaved character, we have a fun afternoon together, the next day, nothing is lost, no long-term or permanent consequences apply to Person X's beloved main character, my slaver gets more hate from the slaver-haters, life goes on.  :)

  We can do it of course with people's permanent characters, but the idea is to do it without taking away someone from the community that would cause everybody else's characters to come after me with torches and pitchforks!

  Let me know if there's interest in the idea, or if you guys have any questions!

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