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Messages - Xariah

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Follow these steps:

Detach the affected object
Teleport to a new sim
Attach effected object
Teleport back

This issue is not limited to scripts resetting. This is the same bug that will sometimes cause weird 'rollback' effects such as, you edit an attachment, everything is fine all day, you log off that night, log on the next day and the attachment is un-edited again. This is the only way I know of to fix it, and I have no idea what causes it, but I have two possible ideas:

Something to do with running two copies of SL at once and;
Something to do with teleporting to and from different sims running different simulator versions right after an edit.

General Discussion / Re: NBA - Lismore Titler v1.0.2.3 (01/22/13)
« on: January 25, 2013, 03:36:39 am »
Quick update: the chatter and titler scripts will both still be in the rp-tool-titler itself, not the hud, so the hud is still optional.

General Discussion / Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« on: January 16, 2013, 08:51:37 am »
New version on the way!

Okay so, web API is fully functional for backups/restores and update checking, metric fuckton of bugfixes and new features including: showing/hiding titles, speed/efficiency improvements, Resource "%" toggle, New Hud, GUI title updating, GUI resource management, etc. Long and possibly over-detailed changelogs to follow:


Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Fixed /1 const8name number not adding "%" on the end
- Change the title length warning limit up to 255 bytes, due to redesign of HTTP backup/restore code, no longer needing to maintain 224 Bytes per titlestring per character.
- Fixed regen timer so it correctly appends "%"

Changelog for - Tenaar Feiri.
- Added a comma identifier to the chatter.

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Major code cleanup
- Updated changelog to simply link to forums due to a large amount of changes since last release
- Fixed ColorRGB vector parsing, should work properly now

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy
- Seperators changed yet again to [|] = key/data, ]|[ = slot, @~@ = values, @|@ = title/const due to headaches getting mysql, lsl, and perl to all happily speak UTF-8. FML.
- llParseString2List changed to llParseStringKeepNulls to prevent issues occuring if someone sets a title/value/constant to a null value.
- Fixed OOC/AFK Messages so they properly display and persist through afk/ooc/ic states as intended
- Added update checker code; api?do=2&data=verNum to web API, return 1 = update availible, return 0 = up to date.
- Fixed bug where setting afk/ooc messages to 'none' would cause entire [AFK]\nname to disappear as well.
- Reworked chatter code for speed/readability, improved some chatter functions
- Added WebAPI exception support (experimental)
- Added code to update titles when AFK/OOC
- Added dumpConstNames function for HUD GUI titles config
- Added more descriptive messages for updating titles/consts while ooc or afk.
- Added toggle for % on title8

Changelog for - Erika Fluffy

Character Handler:

Changelog for 1.0.3 - Erika Fluffy
- Switched to HTTP POST and set up more efficient API functionality, fully working now

Changelog for 1.0.4 - Erika Fluffy
- MAJOR API functionality overhaul
- Changed llParseString2List to llParseStringKeepNulls as with rp-tool.
- Changed seperators to match rp-tool.
- Added confirmation message to API backup/restore with timeout.
- Fixed timeout issue with load/save & backup/restore occuring simultaneously.
- Added WebAPI exception support (experimental)
- Spelling Errors fixed Dx
- Fixed timeouts so they only occur if save/load/backup/restore are *NOT* completed sucessfully.
- Added link_message code for HUD communication.

Hud Control:

Changelog for 1.0.0 - Erika Fluffy
- Codebase for new HUD
- Added llTextBox Functionality for Titles
- Added llTextBox Functionality for Resource Pool
- Codebase written to use single-prim hud based on x,y coordinates
- All initial functions added and preliminary testing done.
- Fixed newline being stripped properly from title update strings.
- Fixed newline being stripped properly from resource update strings.
- Added changed/changeowner state reset to prevent issues.

Hopefully will be released soon, just testing now :D

General Discussion / Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« on: December 29, 2012, 11:33:15 pm »
Important note:

Okay, so, long story short, I use notepad++ to edit LSL scripts and I derped and forgot I had it set to UTF-8 (character set) so when I copy and pasted all the code into secondlife, the in-game LSL editor broke some of the characters and replaced them. This means that: If you use an underscore _, a broken vertical pipe ¦, or a macron ¯, character in your titles, saving and loading characters will not work.


General Discussion / Re: NBA - Lismore Titler feedback topic!
« on: December 29, 2012, 08:25:02 pm »
IMPORTANT NOTE FROM TENAAR: colorrgb still doesn't work like intended, but is now a priority fix. Due to the changes made to the character handler & the RP tool update, the old version of the HUD is INCOMPATIBLE with this new release. This unfortunately means that you cannot transfer your old character saves to the new version of the RP tool & HUD. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, & remind you that though we do not mean to update the character handler in this way any more than necessary, we are still in beta and there is always a small chance that incompatibility might occur. Any further changes to the character handler *should* not affect compatibility. Once again, we're sorry for the inconvenience.

Second note: For the colorrgb command, it will function, just not as intended. Rather than /1 colorrgb 255 255 255 for white, you would need to type /1 colorrgb 1.0 1.0 1.0. Similarly, for grey, rather than 128 128 128, 0.5 0.5 0.5, etc. This should be fixed very soon.

(I am Erika Fluffy, prolly should have made that my username on the forums. xD)

Changelog for titler and 1.0.2 char-handler;
- Removed error on channel 1 due to large amount of scripted items using it for communication.
- Added 'show/hide' commands for all titles and constants that will hide a title or constant while preserving the data stored within it.
- Switched from llList2CSV/llCSV2List to llDumpList2String/llParseString2List to prevent character save/loads from breaking when the data contains commas. "█" is used for const/title seperator, "▄" is used for data seperator, and "▀" is used for slot seperator for web API. These characters were chosen due to it being highly unlikely for them to be used in the       titler. Using these characters in the titles will cause characters to not backup and restore correctly.
- Added the ability to update a title using a constant's name, eg /1 smell: stinky would change the line containing the constant smell to "stinky". Take note that the constant name must be typed exactly, although it is case insensitive. This means /1 scent: and /1 Scent: are the same thing, but /1 scent: and /1 scent are not.
- Added exception code for llSetText's length limit, so if the titlestring is longer than 224 bytes, it will complain rather than chopping things off silently.
- 224 byte limit is lower than llSetText's 255 byte limit, this is to prevent overflowing llHTTPRequests's 2048byte limit when backingup/restoring characters to the web API. Thanks for being retarded   LSL.
- Fixed 'colorrgb' command not being parsed due to color being matched first
- Fixed updateTitle() and updateConst() commands being matched incorrectly inside a message rather than at the beginning of message.
- Stack-heap error is fixed. Long posts should once again be possible.

- Switched from b64 backup/restore to stringdump
- Added HTTPRequest code for communication with web API;
    -Protocol Spec;<command>:<avkey>:<chardump>
        save ex:
            -returns true on sucess
            -returns false on failue
        load ex:
            -returns most recent chardump on sucess
            -returns exception on failure
- Added simple web-api functionality, still needs testing, lookups are 'dumb', based simply on avatar key, most recent save is pulled from DB, web API communication limited to Linden Labs subnet for security. This function is disabled to end-users while in testing.
- You can now see where your characters are saved, when you save them.

Todo for titler and 1.0.2 char-handler;
- Currently, when using the show/hide commands on a title or constant, then saving and restoring the character, the 'hidden' data is not preserved. For example, if you set title2 to "Hello", and then hide it, then save the character, when restored, the title should still be hidden, but when you use the "show" command, nothing will happen, because there is no data to un-hide, so you have to type "/1 title2 Hello" again to add it back.
- Improve web api functionality extend the system to be capable of saving/restoring all 9 'full' character slots. Currently, due to LSL limitations, only about 6 can be retrieved.

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