So part 2 Town Hall meeting stuff.
I don't agree with the "Basically, put everyone in one place and tell them RP or DIE!, like Bam put it." I believe have big reason for people to RP is great idea, but if choice is like that well then you're it seems to me you'd be rail roading people into situations which I don't feel Lismore is all about. I think having something, or a reason for people to band together is great idea however. But choice needs to be a huge factor, I should be able to choose whether I band together with those people, or band together with another group against them, or stay out of it. But there should defiantly be come conflict going on in Lismore, I think it would cool has hell to be in town and see propaganda trying to get me to join one side or the other.
Onto the nothing to do complaint.
I believe Ani said that runs a lot of events waits 10 - 20 minutes and then no one shows up. This is true from what I've seen. However I can make many arguments and feel free comment back. For one these events, at least for me, seem to just pop up out of the blue. Maybe I'd like to join in this event, but RP can last quite awhile and I'm sure their are a number of people that would like to join but just weren't ready. another issue I bump into is me just not being online at that time and never seeing any event message. consistency is also an issue, sometimes there are a few events in a short time then none for a long time. One group I used to be a part of used to have a school for new people and like at least once a week they would hold a school session. I thought that was cool as hell. All the new people get to meet up, they to get to spend time with veterans of the sim and see how they operate. they get to RP with people and learn new things. it's like whole little RP area all on its own. Now maybe that exact idea wont work for you guys, maybe you could turn it into something cool to get new people to join up and still have RP fun with the people that have been around. you also connect with newer people on a deeper level and get a better understanding of what the people coming in want, and what they are like. ummm I kinda went off there on something didn't I? XD moving along
[13:31] Ashtyn Ninetails: People don't take the initiative. ...why? Are they too shy? Don't know who to contact? Don't care?
All of the the above and more. I think this is a great thing to think about when something goes wrong. Lets say I tried to hold an event and no one showed, or everything went wrong or just you know it just didn't feel right. Well instead of just throwing my arms up and moving on and blaming things. what I would try to do instead is figure out what went wrong and why. Ask myself the same things Ashtyn brought up. Figure out a possible solution, didn't work? try again tell you get it right.
[13:32] Ashtyn Ninetails: Right again, Wolf! People are too used to things like WoW, where they go in to be entertained, without having to do anything but buttonmash for a while.
this is also true. Reeducation is what is required. But I don't think Lismore actually deals with this type of person much, I would think your notecards would weed out most of the people. I don't know just tossin out thought.
[13:36] Xela Soulstar: what about 'Plot Items' we could skatter about the sim when an plot is 'in progress'
[13:36] Zerahcero Resident: Reward items rather then gold would make events more favorable as well.
I think these are great Ideas. I'll give it my own spin though and completely change the game. Everybody starts out weak, no more notecards where people start out powerful. Yes they can have all the powers they would ever want eventually. but don't just let them have it. what reason do I have to do something if I have everything I want day 1? my god think about how many more people would participate in events if they could acquire and item to just make them a bit stronger? Basic MMORPG feed them a little bit and give them a reason to come back for me. You see when thing are handled in this way people will build greater bonds, "I put in a lot of work going to to events building myself up" Or in other words my RP character has a lot of effort put into him I care about him more, I care more about the bounds I mad with people well making him strong ect... and when that character dies... Oh man all the people raised up along side him his friends. Even if it's not RL their is real emotion their, who know what his friends may do. makes a guild to take down the fiends that killed their friend? Course none of that's set in stone, hell if somebody want to start out tough they still can, I mean it's your guys SIM if someone has great idea let them run with it. starting out weak isn't for everyone after all. I love it though if that isn't obvious.
[13:36] Xela Soulstar: For example, say there is a beast out in the forest somewhere. There could be little signs of such placed around, and if clicked, could give the clicker a notecard giving more info. So they can start talking about it ICly
love it. town bounty board? yes please!
[13:41] Zerahcero Resident: Could give some of the people actual rewards other then gold which everyone seems to have an infinite amount of already. Like maybe a special item to be added to their card for future use?
if this is true it sounds like you guys need to fix this gold issue badly. gold value crash? yes please, gold is now worth next to nothing recession in effect.
[13:54] Novaku Sirnah: I do agree with Tenaar on her comment, another thing that is a main flaw in these complaints is lack of interest, which is well obviously shown right now. About 40+ people in the Lismore group are online right now, only 10 are here at the meeting and of that 10 the majority is staff.
This seems like a pretty important meeting... I only found out it was going on half way through it. seems to be and issue with your events as well. I strongly urge you guys to figure out the issues with why people arn't showing up. from personnel experience, well I just never hear about it. They are like flash floods, they appear and then they are gone. I'm sure if you knock heads enough you can figure out a better way. perhaps train people to check in regularly on some kind of town board. *shrugs*
[13:59] Ani Aunerfal: Nothing that hasn't really been said already, but as a bottom line - we're always ready and willing to help. But understand that from our end, all we see is people not doing things we set up. There's no way for us to know what it is we're doing that you don't like or would like to see differently, if you don't tell us. That's why we try hard to encourage people to approach us if there's something they would like done - there's no better way for us to make an event you guys will like, than for you to come forward and tell us exactly what it is that you need. That's not a presumptious or rude thing to do, that's a wonderful idea. People just need to start doing it now if we're going to get any further with that point.
from my end I never see anything being set up, and don't see much advertisement. I use firestorm, and thanks to LL shitty design when I get a group message I don't notice. but hey even if that was better, I may still miss it. I mean group notice is great, but I don't see any Group chat going on inviting people to join the event, As far as in know there seems to be a great lack of advertisement. and maybe I'm wrong. and there is ton... but I'm not seeing it, and judging by the lack of people showing up they may not be seeing it ether. I don't know any of this for sure. I suppose the best example I can make is the whole town hall meeting. I mean even if I did happen see Ashtyn's message I don't think I would have shown up. There was no drive or passion there. it felt like it was just, "hey guys were having a meeting please come." Something important like this you gota knock it into numbskull heads like mine. "Hey guys big big meeting going, major sim changes, staff is expected to be here. we urge all our lismore players to come as well and voice their opinions cause they mater." bring it up in land chat every day send out a group notice the first send out two notices on the day of the even, one early warning and 1 right before it starts. wait another 10 - 15 mins urge people in group chat the whole time. really sink home this is important.
[14:10] Xela Soulstar: Ok, I'm half expecting to by lynched for this... but I disagree with the view 'Its not the staff's fault, its the players'. I do agree, players should put in more efforts.. I mean, I used to keep recruiting people into Phoenix and the thieves guild, only to never see them on sim again after that day.. But at the same time, I think its part of the job to waft plots under the noses of the players to get them to bite. I get mixed views from people, some who view that there is nothing to do at Lismore due to the main visible plots being 'high powered' and kinda off limits to the casual player. And others who seem to view the sim as only having idle conversation or sex to rp."
this right here.
[14:13] Darius Naglo: I'lll admit i'm guilty to of the "Nothing to do act" but since coming back recently i've been looking more; not at the dots but at those actually on sim and who i haven't interacted with. Though i will agree it's the players fault it is also partially the staffs, Xela has another point to emphasize and that's the "Casual players are too weak" I feel this way when an event comes up and I can't even scratch my opponent, for example my catboy soldier vs the firey demon. Played by nova awhile ago. I managed to actually enrage him worse though all it really succeeded in doing was ruining a katana. I admit yes a cuntboi cat isn't going to be strong to start off, but shouldn't the beast of been dripping magma from said impalement spot? Just a note of "High power vs low power"
interesting view point.... I think a certain level of RP needs to be enforced. there should be low tier event that tougher character can't do. I mean why would they? it's below them in the first place. instead invite the powerful character to the event as an overseer of sorts. or have him inject a minor side plot in the event. higher level guys still get to enjoy and be part of the low tier event and the low level guys still get to have have their fun and grow as well. again just tossin out ideas.
I'm gona stop this here and start up on a part 3. and as always feel to comment, argue, add, ect....