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Messages - Asha

Pages: [1]
Lismore City / Re: A New Tower Rises!
« on: August 12, 2018, 06:20:02 pm »
Name it the Tower of Joy

Events / Re: Rawrbites Attack!
« on: January 11, 2017, 03:16:42 pm »
Rawr to the weekend!

The Library / Re: ♆ The Untold Chapter
« on: March 21, 2016, 05:05:29 pm »
Aloli recognizes a passage in the old book as she does her daily tasks through the library, posting a note scribbled "The first treasure lies in an ancient forest, beware it's ageless guardians" along it's second line.

The Temple / Re: Temple Roster
« on: January 07, 2014, 04:56:30 pm »
Account: Asha Repine
Character Name: Milah
Title: Temple Alchemist
Duties: Potion Brewing, Cooking, Cleaning, Fishing.
How to Contact: IM Asha Repine


Account: Asha Repine
Character Name: Lia
Title: Temple Enchanter
Duties: Enchanting, cleaning, occasionally keeping the peace
How to Contact:IM Asha Repine

Lismore City / Re: Lismore City Guard Roll Call
« on: June 26, 2012, 03:58:16 pm »
Name: Asha
Age: getting Old
Physical Description: Fennec
Position: Guard Captain

News / Re: Event Feedback (balrog fight and city take-over)
« on: June 18, 2012, 08:10:31 pm »
I lost a character once, not for intention but because of request. Lyle had asked me to use one of my characters i wanted to be bad with, and kill one of his characters he had lost interest in. i agreed, and battled with him. was my second character in lismore, so i didn't mind getting locked up for a while or executed in the end, would have been RP as fun as any. Lyle, in the middle of a fight, had decided he changed his mind, so i held off on killing him, stoped taking leathal blows and instead just trying to hurt him a bit to make it realistic, others showed up and attacked, and the battle caused my char to bleed to death, well the battle plus someone who kidnapped her away last second gave her something to knock her out and stop her fighting, which made her bleed out more and die. If i put myself in a situation like that, i'd prefer killing my own char over killing someone else who didn't really want them dead. a lil messed up ooc for lyle to change his mind in the middle just a lil bit, but i don't blame him for it.

News / Re: Fight the Balrog
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:36:36 pm »
Aww.. i might not be able to make that time ish a bit early for me, but i'll do my best to be there in one form or another.

The Jail / Ice witch held in city jail.
« on: December 23, 2011, 05:29:13 pm »
Note from Haiden Chronos, Temple Guardian, to Guard Captain Asha: female in the cells is ice mage who sent minions to attack both city and temple, was taken down by joint effort of city, zenko, temple and phoenix members, subject is to be kept well away from any and all water sources until she can be questioned or sentencing

The Jail / Re: Kata Jailed for Assault
« on: September 07, 2011, 11:39:52 pm »
Kata has served his time and has been released from jail.

The Jail / Re: The Shadow Arrested and held for questioning
« on: September 07, 2011, 11:39:19 pm »
Prisoner has been charged for blackmail, death threats, and conspiracy against the zenko. This prisoner has been executed and remains cremated.

News / Re: Playing in Events
« on: August 06, 2011, 10:54:27 pm »
also sorry for my butchered nonsense run on sentences in previous post, i'm tired. probably shouldn't be posting now. xP

News / Re: Playing in Events
« on: August 06, 2011, 10:48:50 pm »
I agree and disagree. i honestly believe that all plans in rp fail and the only plan that works appropriate is if you plain to fail. I believe in freedom of rp where those who actually operate in a clever manner. such as not rushing headlong into battle all by your lonesome or trying to be the hero or 'star of the show'. honest truth, 80% or more people who earn the title of hero, do so by dieing heroically. and people who rush into battle alone is a lamb to be slaughtered. it's as true in real life as it is rp. If you want an rp to advance your character or be a star of the show, your rp is better off a private rp where no others get involved, because that's the only way you can avoid others doing what their character would rightfully do, if brought into the situation of all these plots we play out for our characters. If you simply go by the ask the ec if you can be the hero isn't gonna work, because everyone will ask you that, and then who do you pick? I also believe knowing all that will happen, planning the plots out entirely from beginning to it's end, is just down right boring. like putting on a play for others to watch, without being any fun for the players, and taking away our creativity in it's entirety.

I can agree though that attempting to rush the plot is a strain on those who are playing out the NPC's of that plot, don't do it. it doesn't matter if you have a whole army built up, if the EC hosting the event doesn't feel like roleplaying that scenario at that moment, then you shouldn't try to drag them into it. all this would accomplish is irritating the EC who will either not enjoy their own event or worse yet, they take out their frustration by getting into their role a bit too much and butchering a few people's characters. Not a likely scenario but it's possible!


The Jail / The Shadow Arrested and held for questioning
« on: July 23, 2011, 12:02:29 am »
City Watcher The shadow has been arrested and held for questioning for allegations that he has assaulted, threatened, and attempted to blackmail a citizen of Lismore, the identity of the victim(s) has not been revealed by the individual who has reported the crime, as they feared for the safety of the victim had their identity been known prior to the shadows Arrest. Further details of this crime will be released once they are discovered.

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