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Topics - Jay Voncloud

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It Is to be noticed that the Body of the Mana Corrupted Jerard Voncloud, has been brought to the Zenko.
It is apparent that the Fox had suffered Tass Starvation, and such his body couldn't sustain itself without a constant supply.
The Crystals that infected his body would be dull and lifeless, and partially falling off the flesh, and his crystaline eye would be cracked.

General Discussion / Faretheewell
« on: October 19, 2012, 02:43:11 pm »
To all
I am sorry to say but im departing from Lismore. It has been sometime that i have been at Lismore and sometime since ive enjoyed any rp at Lismore. Deep down i feel my Rping days are over, as i just do not enjoy rping anymore. Although this isnt specific to Lismore as i Rp elsewhere, Lismore has its own reasons for me wanting to retire from it.
I will say though, i have in the past enjoyed some of the best Rping ive ever encountered, plots that have made me shiver in anticipation, and even cry, ive made a fair few freinds here and i thank you all for being as such, and i hope to remain freinds even with my departure from Lismore.
I will keep things somewhat openended with my characters in case my spark comes back,
I wish you all the best of times with Lismore and i hope to see it still strong if i ever become curious enough to check back.

Events / Seed Pods
« on: August 07, 2012, 02:17:56 am »
Large Seed pods have begun to sprout in the forest, they are quite pretty and have a perfume like smell to them, shivering if poked, the pods are about the size of a small person.

Phoenix / Fight club (sorta)
« on: June 11, 2012, 12:53:32 am »
I was thinking about setting up the closed off sort of area behind the castle as a no hold bars fighting area, unlike the Arenas up on the surface where its often honourable combat, this would be a no holds barred type fighting, it would also involve heavy betting and lots of drinking, however i would like to know if people would go for this idea before i try to set it up.

Oh look a poll!

To Relina

By the time this gets to you, i will already be a few days from Lismore.
Im traveling to the Northlands, there is something there i have to wrap up, i do not know when i will return, but do not send anyone to follow me, and let Rune know, not to worry.
Jerard Voncloud "Jay"

Events / Events
« on: March 29, 2012, 01:17:46 am »
hi Folks, just another call out to see what Events folk would like to see, we have had a lot of combat events so we know you like them, but i would like to know what else you would like to see, we have Ani's Tower of challenges (which is awesome by the way)  so it would be nice to get a feel as to what else we as Em's can do for you, especially those who have recently joined us who may wish to see something. Also remeber we are on paw to do Personal RP plots with you as well, but i digress.

What do you, the populous of Lismore want to see Event wise?

General Discussion / Family Visit
« on: March 03, 2012, 06:45:41 am »
I have family visiting for this week, so im not sure how often ill be around, ill try to be but no gaurentees though. Talk to you all next weekend

Events / Rumours
« on: January 06, 2012, 04:15:55 am »
There are whispers between the Zenko guards that the Inquisitor is planning to make some sort of announcment soon that will involve the entire island.

Lismore Institute of Arcane Arts (former Zenko) / Wanted List
« on: December 14, 2011, 04:41:00 am »
By order of Inquisitor Voncloud.
All avaliable Zenko when able, are to assist the City with their apprehension of Collie Madfang. Any Zenko who aids the city will not only receive their reward, but another from the Zenko itself.

Events / What would you like to see?
« on: November 08, 2011, 05:29:35 am »
Im am just curious to see what kind of events people of lismore would like to see, im not asking for specific ideas just a general thought, we obviously have the usual combat events that everyone enjoys, but if theres anything else you lismorians would like to see, then post here

News / Zenko Quarantine
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:19:43 am »
((Just furthering the Group notice))

*A Sign post with a parchment on it can be seen just in front of the Zenko Entrance*

"By Order of Inquisitor Voncloud and Lismore Commander Rajani Dezarus, The Ruins of the Zenko are off limits to all non official Residents, any wishing to traverse the lands must seek permission from either myself, a Zenko officer or the Lismore Commander. The Area is to be considered dangerous until the all clear is given.

As a side note, anyone who has any information relating to the incident, i ask to step forward, no matter how small the detail may be.
Zenko Inquisitor Jerard Voncloud"

The Jail / Unknown Necromancer Attacker
« on: October 11, 2011, 04:03:28 pm »
Report Filed by Inquisitor Jerard Voncloud:

At Sundown, a disturbance was heard at the City library, followed by silence, and a Dark Aura spreading over the island, Felt like a disease, or a plague. Upon arriving along with 2 others, Gor of the Zenko and a Bear, Tukaram, we were attacked by an empty suit of armour, which was in fact a puppet of a necromancer who attacked us shortly after. After a fight, we managed to render him unconscious, and put him in one of the City cells, where he awaits interrogation. He is not to be approached by anyone without authorisation.
He is to remain in custody until he has been questioned and sentenced.

3 Innocents also have been taken to the temple for healing, 2 City guards a Lapine and a Squirrel, and one of the Library assistants, a mare. Although not critical, i felt they needed the care of the Temple for shock.

General Discussion / Net has died for a few days
« on: September 19, 2011, 02:25:15 am »
Due to a financial error on both my bank and my net company's parts, ive not been able to pay for the bill, and wont be able to till Wednesday i should think, so i will be a little AWOL until that's dealt with. Back soon

This has a been a Von announcement coming from your local friendly net café

Events / The Union of the Fox and the Ring Tail
« on: August 01, 2011, 03:44:40 am »
By the spread of gossip and rumour, it wouldn't be long until the news of Rune and Jay Wishing to celebrate their union would become something of common knowledge, both have been seen doing what they can to plan it, despite the current threat from the slavers, they both seem intent on having nothing stand in their way of celebrating. Soon crates and Barrels will begin to be transported up to the Zenko in preperation for their big Day. Noone knows exactly what day its going to fall on, not even the couple its due to happen for, but both seem to be overly happy and excited.

((Lil event me and Xela are planning to do soon after speaking with Ashy about it we are allowed to set it up once we are ready, including props, if you would likr to have an active part in this mini event or have props we can use, please IM me or Xela))

General Discussion / Barking mad
« on: July 26, 2011, 03:19:39 pm »
Ganna be alittle scarce again just for the time being, my medication has been switched to soemthing differant and such i need to wait for it to kick in, until then im ratty and have caught myself ranting and snapping at a few people today for which i apologise for, so im ganna be around lismore when i feel okay but if i rant, vent or generally act like an asshole just try to ignore me.

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