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Messages - Jay Voncloud

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
Call to Roleplaying / Re: Kobold Wanted!
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:51:14 am »
Do you mean like "You no steal candle!" type kobold?

The Rules / Re: Strong Characters - A guide to responsible roleplaying!
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:54:18 pm »
1. Bragging and threatening are a VERY quick way to agitate other players and create drama - don't do it!

Although i agree, there are some characters who very much WOULD brag about it, it may be part and partial of their characters personality

It Is to be noticed that the Body of the Mana Corrupted Jerard Voncloud, has been brought to the Zenko.
It is apparent that the Fox had suffered Tass Starvation, and such his body couldn't sustain itself without a constant supply.
The Crystals that infected his body would be dull and lifeless, and partially falling off the flesh, and his crystaline eye would be cracked.

Stories / Re: Fawn Painting
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:55:46 am »
she has the mona lisa smile

Call to Roleplaying / Re: Meta-Gaming
« on: January 16, 2013, 07:06:01 am »
Theres also a good chance the guards would strip them of such equipment anyways.

General Discussion / Re: Fast-Forward vs. Fast Building
« on: December 19, 2012, 04:20:18 am »
The only thing i can see being an issue is that by what i can gather the island is still being fought for, so somewhere along the lines we need to have pushed the remaining raiders back, That i feel needs to also be taken into account.

General Discussion / Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:23:55 am »
Actually, there IS an official librarian, Ani just doesn't play him much. Abbadon is the librarian.

NO offense to Ani but, prehaps this role should be opened up for those who dont do as much as Ani to apply, i understand wanting a staff member for this role, but Ani does a ton of stuff already and i can see this role slipping down the importance pole in comparison to the other roles he plays.

I think for this if it was to be carried forward, a new role of Curator should be made up where someone with less to do around lismore can apply.

General Discussion / Re: Upcoming OOC "townhall meeting"!
« on: November 30, 2012, 02:52:44 am »
Tl;dr most of it.

Actually I thought about implementing that with the new improvements to be done to the sim. I thought maybe putting a little scroll on the wall like we have our weather broadcast system, where people can click and get basic information about the area they are in.

But at same time, why don't you approach someone and ask? I would prefer if people approached eachother, IC preferably, and ask, "Hey, what are these ruins here?"

What do you folks think? Faceless little notes with info, or emphasize the "talk with people!" attitude?

In this case i beleive a previous player was at one point being an archiveist, prehaps we can use both? as a saying ive picked up from GW2 "history never lies, historians however.." Prehaps the library can be rebuilt, made a bit more noticable and have an official historian/liberian/archivist etc. That way the scrolls are the "written" history maybe with things that are a little less known, like accounts of the Zenko before the goddess blew it up, so on, things that alot of newer lismorians wouldnt know, whilst at the same time having the curator be the font of knowladge with the bits not said. For example, a scroll could say that the original Missing Key, was burnt down by bandits. The curator however would fill in the rest, about how it was Allura out of trying to get revenge set fire to Jay and burnt it down. Little things like that.

In regards to the events and notices perhaps maybe put up little signs in each main area, City, Zenko, temple, phoenix, similure to the OOC boards of old, which could be updated to say New event soon, check the forums! and maybe if possble when you click it, it links you to the forums, that way, if you didnt get a notice, and dont check forums often, you can at least see somethings due and gives you the kick in the butt to check.

Edit: Also, it might be worth considering making a propor full on OOC area with the Sim admin boards, our rules so on, along with an upcoming events board, i think a ship off the shore of lismore would work. That way, its somewhere people can go and actually check things

General Discussion / Re: The "Random Photo You Want to Share" Thread!
« on: November 08, 2012, 11:04:06 am »
It seems Xelas quest for gems has finally got the better of her

General Discussion / Re: Faretheewell
« on: November 04, 2012, 04:32:20 am »
Ignore this for the most part, having now lost my job i find myself with alot less to do with my time. also speaking with a very good friend of mine, a plan has been decided on to what to do, however its going to cost me alot of lindens, and will require some time. So Jay is still around, send me a PM here or an IM in SL if you wish to RP with him, just so i can plan to be around when needed until i have set up my new Lismore specific account with the things i need.

General Discussion / Faretheewell
« on: October 19, 2012, 02:43:11 pm »
To all
I am sorry to say but im departing from Lismore. It has been sometime that i have been at Lismore and sometime since ive enjoyed any rp at Lismore. Deep down i feel my Rping days are over, as i just do not enjoy rping anymore. Although this isnt specific to Lismore as i Rp elsewhere, Lismore has its own reasons for me wanting to retire from it.
I will say though, i have in the past enjoyed some of the best Rping ive ever encountered, plots that have made me shiver in anticipation, and even cry, ive made a fair few freinds here and i thank you all for being as such, and i hope to remain freinds even with my departure from Lismore.
I will keep things somewhat openended with my characters in case my spark comes back,
I wish you all the best of times with Lismore and i hope to see it still strong if i ever become curious enough to check back.

General Discussion / Re: Silly test thing I found in Nova's signature
« on: October 17, 2012, 09:58:06 am »


General Discussion / Re: Proposed Rules: Self-run Scenes for Players
« on: October 06, 2012, 04:01:57 am »
Xela, Not Xera

General Discussion / Re: Suggestion: Facebook Page
« on: September 26, 2012, 01:06:27 am »
what Xela said

General Discussion / Re: meow
« on: August 29, 2012, 12:42:22 am »
oooooOOOooOOoOoooooooooooOOOOoOOOOOOoOOooo..oh wait...wrong time of year for that..crud

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